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It was like the beginning of summer all over again.

They were lying on the couch, Ziva curled into his side, asleep, him fighting the urge to get out, to leave.

The kissing had been nice, very nice actually, but that was as far as she seemed willing to go. They didn't talk after that, just fell into the positions they held now.

What was there to say?

He didn't know what the kissing meant. He didn't know what to make of the fact that she stopped it from going any farther.

Were they taking their relationship to the next level? Or was she just feeling a physical attraction and hoped that kissing him would get it out of her system? In which case, did it work? Is that why she stopped him? Because the spark died?

She shifted in his arms, reminding him that he was kind of stuck there.

Sleeping Ziva was no easier to deal with than awake Ziva.


There was something deeply comforting about being held in someone's arms. Even if it was Tony.

Even if?

Especially if.

He had always had her back, and now was no different. He was safe, he was protection.

She smiled sleepily and moved her hand up his chest until she could feel his heart pounding under her fingers. She was definitely freaking him out.

She opened her eyes just the slightest bit, trying to get a glimpse of his face.

It was blank for the most part, but she saw his eyes darting around and knew he wanted to flee the situation.

She knew she was throwing out mixed signals, but she couldn't help it. She didn't know what she wanted, so how was she supposed to convey that to him?

Maybe she wanted him.

Maybe she was scared to ruin what they had.

Maybe she wanted him anyway.

Maybe it wasn't worth the risk.

"I know you're awake," he said suddenly, shifting under her.

She opened her eyes all the way and blinked at him. He was so close, close enough to...

She couldn't help but hone in on his lips. They weren't exactly new territory for her, but all those kisses in the past had been rushed, forced, all for show, all for the job. She wanted to take her time exploring them.

Okay, so maybe she did know what she wanted.

"What else do you know?" she asked, toying with him.

He pulled his head back a little so he could really look at her. "What do you mean?"

"You knew I was awake. Do you know other things?"

He was still confused.

"I know something."

"And what do you know?"

She grinned and leaned her face a little closer to his. "I know what I want."

"Oh. OH." His eyes went wide. "Really? Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I have been feeling it for a little while now, I think. I am definitely hungry. I want pizza. You?"

He groaned, reaching up with his free arm to smack his face. "Ziva..."

She laughed. "Okay, no, really."

"Really what? You really want pizza? I can call and order-"

"No. Not the pizza. I was joking about the pizza. But I was serious when I said I know what I want."



He blinked. "Me."



She nodded, trying so hard not to start laughing again. "I want to give this a shot. I want to... I want to try it."


His heart was pounding so hard, he wouldn't be at all surprised if it popped out of his chest.

"You want...?"

"Tony!" She whapped him with one of the throw pillows.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, it's just a lot to-"

"Do you not want to?" she asked, suddenly dead serious.

"No, wait, yes, of course I want to. I've been wanting to for -oh, who cares how long- a long time. Okay? Yeah. I want this. I really want this."

"Okay." A little smile snuck back onto her face. "Good. Then we're on the same page."

Yes. They were finally on the same page.

And it just so happened to be the page with the super hot make-out scene.


Hahahaha I liked the pizza thing. And the way I ended it. Very Tony-ish, I think.


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I don't know how many chapters are going to be left. Not a lot. I think two or three, tops. We'll see.

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