chapter 5

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On the plane ride me and baby doll talked. We talked about nothing really, just about our trip, and work. When we got off the plane we got our luggage in the car and headed home. When we got home I noticed something important, keys. I reached in my pockets for them. " uhh, baby doll, I forgot my keys " I say. Baby doll lifted her keys that, thankfully, had my keys on them. I got the keys and kissed baby doll. " thanks baby doll, you're a life saver" I said. " I know" baby doll said with a smile. We entered the house, still in tact, screen door broken, and laid the luggage in the room. " damn, I'm going to have to fix that screen door tomorrow." I said. " If you want I'll go to wal-mart to see if there's anything there to fix the screen door " baby doll replies. " sure , that'll be great" I say giving baby doll a kiss. After we tiredly unpacked and showered , we both went to sleep.
A few days past, full of work. I finally had time to go to home depot to fix the screen door. " I couldn't find anything for the screen door at wal-mart." Baby doll said sadly. " what's wrong?" I ask. " I couldn't find anything for the screen door , because that hoe there wouldn't help me, she kept ignoring me. " I'm so sorry baby doll, but, I'm sure I'll get the stuff from home depot. " I say. I give baby doll a kiss and head for home depot. When I get there I run into my friend josh and Brendon. " hay guys, what you two doing here?" I ask. " oh, just a few things for my house, Brendon is tagging along. " josh replies. " oh ok, hay guys, quick question, what do you guys know a bout screen doors?" I ask. " well I know some." Josh answered. " I know little , the basics I guess." Brendon said. I told about me breaking the screen door. They helped me pick the equipment and pieces. I bought it and went home. When I fixed the screen door it was fine, not a creak , or bend in sight. it stayed like that for a month. We hosted a fourth of July party , towards the end the screen door broke. No one worried about it , we forgot about it till the next day.
The next day I went to work and went home. I arrived to see josh about to fix the screen door. " hay josh. " I say. " hay" josh replied. " so you're fixing the screen door?" I ask. " yep" josh said. " how'd you know it was broken?" I ask. " oh, baby doll called me, is that ok?" Josh ask. I took a minute to answer. " sure." I lied and went inside. " baby doll!" I say looking for baby doll. I found her in the kitchen cooking. " hay" I say. " hay babe how was your day?" Baby doll asked. " good, yours?" I replied . " not too good , I saw that Walmart hoe again today, I told her to stop working if she was going to be an ignorant cunt. " baby doll said. " you said that, to the Walmart hoe?!" I ask. " yes." Baby doll replied. " oh yeah, I wanted to ask, did you call josh?' I ask. " yep, I thought he could fix the screen door." Baby doll replied. " I would have fixed the screen door." I said. " I know but, you were at work, I wanted to give you a rest when you got home. " baby doll answered. " but, I told you, I wanted to fix the screen door baby doll." I said. Baby doll sighed. " does it really matter if josh or you fix the screen door?" Baby doll asked. " yes, because I'm the man of the house. " I say. " well I see a man , and also another man , fixing the screen door, for the house." Baby doll replied . " baby doll don't be such a smart ass" i said." Well, he's here now, so just let him finish." Baby doll said. " fine." I replied. " I'm almost done with dinner, why don't you wash up and come back down to eat. " baby doll said and gave me a kiss. I do what I was told . I go back down and eat a very delicious home made dinner .
The last few days were good, mainly work as usual. Today , however was unusual , Joe, of all people, came to me during lunch. " hay rick?" Joe ask. " yeah?" I replied. " I know it's not my place, but, I could have sworn I saw baby doll with Brendon earlier. " Joe says. in disbelief I say " no way." Joe takes out his phone. " way." he goes to his gallery and pulls up a picture of what seems to be baby doll and Brendon at a diner. I take a long look at the pic. " holy smokes you're right, that does look like baby doll." I say. " just thought you should know man. " Joe puts his phone back in his pocket. " thanks Joe." I say " hay, you never know , they were probably talking and doing something totally innocent." Joe says. One thing I like about Joe, he sees the good in everything. " no yeah, totally. " I tell him. Joe gives me a pat on the back and goes back to work. Sadly , that pic was on my mind throughout the whole day. When I got home I just had to talk to baby doll. I walk upstairs to find baby doll painting her nails. Baby doll looked up and noticed something was wrong. " hay ." baby doll says nervously. " hay" I replied. " how was work?" Baby doll asks. " well, nothing much , went ok, then Joe showed me a photo." I say . " a photo? Of what?" Baby doll asks. " oh nothing much, it was of .... You're going to think I'm silly. " I say. Baby doll leans up and gives me her full attention. " no tell me." Baby doll says. " it was,a pic of , of you and Brendon today." I reply. Baby doll fell quiet for a second. Then she spoke. " that's, strange. " she said. " I thought so too." I said. " how did joe see me and brendon having lunch today?" Baby doll asked. At first I was shocked, and dumbfounded. I then had a million questions going through my mind a second. The​ only question that could be picked to escape my mouth was " why were you and Brendon having lunch together?" Baby doll quickly answered. " just catching up. Dinner is ready by the way." Baby doll said. We both went down to eat. We were quiet for a while, then, i broke the silence. " so, brendon, what did you guys talk about?" I ask. Baby doll dropped her silverware on her plate. " gees rick , we were only catching up nothing more!" Baby doll says. " it just doesn't add up baby doll" I reply. Baby doll gives me a mean look. " drop it , ok?" Baby doll asks. " don't look at me in that tone of voice baby doll" I say. " I'll look at you any way I want . " baby doll demands. " calm the fuck down baby doll." I say . " well stop thinking I'm cheating all the time, because I'm not! Brendon is just a friend, ok?" Baby doll says. " that's complete and utter bullshit baby doll, and you know it " I say. " well you know what? Fuck you." Baby doll says. "what the fuck did you just say to me baby doll? " I ask, getting infuriated. " you heard me, fuck you. fuck all of these allegations you're throwing my way. You know, sometimes, I think you want me to cheat on you , just so you can have something to tell your buddies, so yeah, fuck you." Baby doll says. " well fuck you and your shitty attitude baby doll. I'm not the one seen in a photo with someone who I have no business with." I say. " seriously? No business? I can talk to whoever I want , without your permission. Baby doll says" talk to the hand baby doll because the face ain't listening " I reply. " you know what, I should have stayed striping like I was, I was fine without all of this, and you." Baby doll yells. "you didn't really mean that did you baby doll? " I asked. Baby doll took a minute to reply. " yes " baby doll answered ." are you shitting me baby doll? " I asked. " am I that bad that you wish you never met me?" I ask. baby doll just went silent. Then she spoke. " I don't know if I can keep doing this anymore , either you change or I'm out. " baby doll demanded. "well now you're being unreasonable baby doll" I say. " I meant it." Baby doll says. " what about you? You're just free to talk to my friends behind my back and I'm supposed to act like it's ok?" I ask. " our friends rick, OUR friends." Baby doll replies." I don't remember us sharing friends ." I said. " well, we do. We met them the same time. " baby doll replies. " well duh baby doll, I wasn't born yesterday. " I say. " but it's a little strange that you met Brendon and didn't tell me." I say. " well rick you don't control me , you don't have to be at my side everyday, you don't have to know every little thing I do in a day" baby doll said aggravated. " no darling , but if another guy's involved , I need to know. " I say. Baby doll gets up and pours her drink on me. " asshole" baby doll says and begins to walk away. " are you out of your goddamn mind baby doll? " I ask soaked in soda. " sit down baby doll.' I say. Baby doll walks forward . " sit down" I say again. Baby doll continues to walk. " I said sit down and eat Your damn food baby doll. I shouted , banging my fist on the table. Baby doll kept walking, I ran towards baby doll . all of a sudden my vision was switching , glitching even. As I grab baby doll's arm my vision switches from baby doll to, to, Pete?! The whole room fills with people , then switches back to just me and baby doll. How could it be? Was, was baby doll Pete all along?! my vision switches from me and baby doll to a room full of people one last time. Everyone starts to look at me weirdly. I couldn't help but feel confused and embarrassed at the same time. I run to the nearest room in shame. I stay there for a at least 30 minutes before I hear a knock on the door. I gather myself together and open the door to find Pete on the other end. " hay, ugh, do you mind if I come in?" he asks. " sure." I say. Pete walks in and sits on the bed. I sit down as well. We go silent for a little and Pete breaks the silence. " so, what was that about?" Pete asked. " I think for a second. " to be honest I don't know. " I tell him. I told him about baby doll , and how oddly enough he wasn't there. " wow what a dream." Pete says. " what do you mean?" I ask. " well, I could have sworn you got drunk, passed out, and were just out of nowhere sleep walking. " Pete chuckled. I laugh too , but more nervously , as I thought my life with baby doll was real. " yeah, so, how long was I out?" I ask. Pete checks his watch . " two hours " Pete says. I look around. " where is this place?" I ask. " oh, this is my house." Pete smiled. Then, just like that, I remembered everything. I went to Pete's house party. I was trying to ask him out, but I was too chicken to do it, thought drinking would loosen me up a little. I turn my direction to Pete.
Gathering myself , hoping I don't make a fool out of myself I say " hay Pete?" Pete looks at me and answers " yeah?" This was it, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach now. " do you know why I came to this party?" I ask. " yeah, because you like parties right?" Pete asked. " yes , and no." I said. Pete started to look confused. He fixes himself on the bed. " ok, well, tell me why you came then." Pete said. I look at the floor for a second . then , I turn my gaze at Pete. " I, I came her to, see you and....." I pause , taking in a big gulp , I continue. " I came here to ask you out. " I said . I watched Pete's reaction , nervously. " I'm sorry I said that, I just had to get it off my-" Pete stopped me , Taking my lips with his. all noise had drowned , it felt like it was me and him. " I've waited a long time to hear those words" Pete whispered. He kissed me again. after the kiss, we both sat in silence. Nothing but the party going in the background. Pete then broke the silence. " did you feel anything?" I wanted to say everything plus fireworks, but I didn't want to come off as cheesy. " yep." I said. " so, a long time huh? Why did you never ask me out?" I asked. Pete looked at me and smiled. " too chicken shit. " We both laughed. And kissed each other again. " so, does this mean we're going to date?" I asked. " yes." Pete smiled. " I'll even be your baby doll for you. If you want" He says. " I'd like that very much." I smile. The end

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