My little voice started the way most of them started: small, quite, and random.
But as I got older my little voice started to get louder and repeating mean things to me other had said to me.
My little voice got mad at me when I ate.
My little voice discouraged me to socialize.
My little voice told me to die.
My little voice said i was ugly.
My little voice said I was fat.
My little voice said I was stupid.
My little voice said I was worthless.
My little voice wasn't mine anymore it was the worlds and how it saw me and what my problems were.
My little voice told me how to fix them and now I see other things wrong with me.
My little voice will never give up on making sure I hate the way I look or feel dumb for liking certain things but I need to remember that it's not always right and that I don't always have to listen to my little voice.
My little voice will never shut up.
My little voice will always be there.
My little voice will never go away but at least I can learn to ignore it.