Chapter 1

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"Where is it?!"

Ruby red eyes looked up from the computer they had been preoccupied with to instead focus on the white bat on the other side of the room. Said bat was on their hands and knees, rummaging through multiple drawers and boxes like a maniac. Papers, folders, and other trinkets that really had no place being there were carelessly thrown across the floor. The red eyes lowered in annoyance at the mess and the computer being used was shut off with a soft click.

"What are you doing?" The deep and smooth voice of Shadow asked as he leaned back in his chair.

Rouge's head popped out from behind her desk, locking eyes with the one addressing her. She seemed a little bewildered that she caught her stoic partner's attention but shrugged it off and replied, "A gift from Topaz." Her response was quick, and her hand waved about in dismissal. Shadow leaned back in his chair; his facial features clearly showing his lack of interest now that the culprit of distress was found out. Rouge obviously knew this, so she wordlessly returned to her searching, leaving Shadow to observe.

Shadow's eyes were still resting midway as if he were only on the verge of falling into a deep slumber. That wasn't too far from the truth. He had been staring at a screen all day, with little to no action for almost two weeks straight. The only time he could think of when he did something active was when he had apprehended some children at the park, their encounter alone having been just coincidence. Other than that, it was quiet and the perfect time to catch up on paperwork, because suddenly he was required to do that now.

"Ah-hah!" Rouge exclaimed pulling up a loose tile to reveal a large diamond the size of her hand hidden underneath. "I should've known I had hidden it there. I must be losing my touch."

Shadow scoffed, "If only."

Rouge sighed and got to her feet, cradling the gem like a child as she did so, "You can at least pretend to be somewhat interested. After all, I go through all the trouble to put on the drama act whenever you decide to do something stupid."

"Yes, sure you do," Shadow groggily answered, hardly paying attention to what she was saying. He was far too tired, and the conversation was visited multiple times a week already. He closed his eyes, wanting to slip off to the dream world and pretend that the world was quiet and well.

"Well, then," she huffed, plopping down into her chair and looking over at her computer. She set the diamond by her keyboard and began to type away rapidly. Her fingernails moved flawlessly along the keyboard, years of practice showing itself off. She checked through emails, news reports, and at one point some new photos from the latest museum exhibits. Just like Shadow, she was bored with the quietness of their job and needed something to do. Even if it was illegal. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything in particular that piqued her interest. She sighed and looked over at Shadow, who, at this point, was already nodding off.

"Any plans for tonight?" Rouge asked, slumping in her chair with the most defeated expression.

"Hm?" Shadow opened an eye, looking at Rouge, "no." He took a moment to straighten his posture and stretched out his limbs. As much as he wanted to go to sleep, he was technically still at work, if one could even call it that...

Rouge smirked and leaned against her desk, caressing the diamond with a soft hum. "Well, then, seems we both have a boring evening ahead of us. How about dinner? I'll buy."

Shadow watched as Rouge lifted the large diamond, waving it back and forth in the air like a treat. To some, it may have been, but Shadow only yawned and shook his head. "I'll pass. They probably wouldn't even let me in anyway."

Rouge drew back, seemingly offended and opened her mouth to retaliate when the full realization came to her. Her eyes widen only to soften with understanding and then melding into a sort of anger. She pulled open one of her drawers and dropped her jewel inside, closing the drawer again with a louder bang than would have been reasonable.

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