New Friends

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Khairuls's P.O.V

I was with my friendsand sister are heading to our new school.

Aina: "Khai are you sure not worried about this they are not fond of half-breeds."
Me: "No im not worried about it maybe a little but im mostly exited for the music crew there."
Aina: "Fine but if you get bullied not my fault."

She said but i wasn't paying attention. Becuase of my parents, they argue a lot.

Aina: "Thinking about your parents again?"
Me: "Yeah but who cares thats why i left."
Principal: "You must be the new students im Principal Vitani but you can call me Ms. Tani."
Me: "Ms. Tani I'm Khiarul, that's Aina, Mzuri my sister and Afueni."

Then started walking in the hallway

Ms. Tani: "So tomorrow is our family day I'm exicited to meet your parents."

My ears fell back at this.

Ms. Tani: "Whats the mater Khiaril?"
Me: "About my parents mam.
Ms. Tani: " Why what happened to them?"
Me: * about to cry* " They argued alot thats why I left i was to be in norway but I took the wrong fligth thats why I'm here."
Ms. Tani: "Oh i'm sorry about that. Why not you get to your class."
Then a another Lion came by looks of it its the assistant Principal.

Ms. Tani: "Oh kids this is my future husband, Kopa the assistant principal."
Kopa: "Hi there as you im the assistant principal but you can call me Sir. Kopa. Now your class is in classroom ten."

Vitani's P.O.V

I was sad to hear about Khiarul's parents. He and his sister should have better parents including. So i decided to talk with Kopa.

Me: "Hey, Kopa can we talk pls? Kids just head to your class now."
Kopa: "Sure I have time."
Me: "Maybe in my office for some privacy."

- at my office -

Kopa: "So what do you want to talk about?"
Me: "Its about Khairul and his sister."
Kopa: "What about them?"
Me: "You know tomorrow is family day."
Kopa: "Yeah Its tomorrow and the gym and field are being decorated."
Me:"Its just they're parents keep arguing and i don't want them to feel left behind."
Kopa: "Whenever you say that it always means you have a plan and im ready to hear.
Me: "Well maybe we should adopt them if its okay."
Kopa: "Of coarse I do feel sad for them."
Me: "Really you'll agree."
Kopa: "Yeah, I will now i need to go the gym to help with decorations."

He left I was to call the two when Kion came busting trough the door. He was covered like in smoke like dust.

Me: "Kion, don't make me give you a detention."
Kion: "Pls. Dont i came to talk."
Me: "Sure take a sit little bro."
Kion: "Thanks sis."
Me: "No problem, so whag do you want to talk about and what happened to you."
Kion: "Well i was in the science lab doing my exiperament when it set the whole science lab."

That's when firetrucks came. I looked the him and he just smiled nervously.

Me: "Your such a troublemaker."
Kion: "Sorry about it."
Me: "When we get home i'll tell Simba what happend."
Kion: "No pls. Dont that means you have to punish me."
Me: "I know thats why i gonna call him."

I dialed Simba's number in my phone. Then he answered

Me: "Hi Simba, Kion has gotten to some trouble."
Simba: "What again and what is it?"
Me: "Setting the science lap on fire."
Simba: "What, when he gets home you'll choose his punishment maybe even two."

Then he hanged up. I turned face Kion.

Kion: "So what did dad say?"
Me: " He said that I get to choose and i can make it two."
Kion: "Oh no can I go now?"
Me: "Sure you can go now."

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