Bendy x Yandere! Reader

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This was requested by Melanie_wolf-soccer. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to check out her stories and mine. ONWARD!
Bendys POV
The t.v. is on, I have popcorn in my hands and I'm laying down next to my girlfriend, Y/n on the couch. This is the life. My phone started to ring, so I answer it. "Hey Cups. What's up?" I say into the phone. "Nothing. I was just wondering if you and
Y/n wanted to come to the cafe with Me and Mugs?" he replied. I think for a moment then ask Y/n. She agrees and I let Cuphead know. "Alright, meet me at the Toontown Cafe in an hour. Later dude." he then hung up the phone and I continue to watch t.v.. An hour later, we were both ready and heading out. We got there a bit early, so we went ahead and got a table. We sat there for a couple minutes before I see this one chick get really close. "Hey there Hot stuff!" she says getting in my face.
We were waiting for Cuphead and Mugman to get here when this girl comes toward me and my senpai. She sits next to him and gets in his face. "Hey there Hot stuff!" she says in his face. My face turns to one of shock, and I felt rage boil inside. No one touches MY senpai. You will get what you deserve... PAIN... I thought in my head as I see her get closer. "Umm excuse me lady but, I have a girlfriend. Can you please get out of my face?" Bendy-senpai says to her face. "Fine but call me later suger." she says back and stuffs a piece of paper in his shirt. She winked and walked off to another table. Well, she is definitely dying later. I thought as we see Cuphead and Mugman walk in.
-Time skip because I'm so lazy.-
After we eat, we gather our cash and pay for our food. We left the cafe and all went our separate ways. I told Bendy that I left something in the cafe and to go on without me. He went towards the hotel we were staying in and I went back inside to find the girl. I finally found her still at her table. "Excuse me, but can you please follow me?" I ask in a disgustingly sweet tone. She nodded and I walked out of the cafe and down the street to an alley way. "Alright, what did you need?" she asked me as we went in the alley way. I quietly pulled my knife out of my purse and pushed up against a wall. Tears started to fall down her face and she had the look of fright. "Why did you mess with my senpai?" I asked her with a creepy smile. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again I promise! Please don't hurt me!" she shouts. "Oh I know you won't mess with him again. Because you won't be around to." I then stab her in the chest and watched her fall to the ground. She slowly looked up at me with blood running down from her mouth. I raised my knife up and stabbed her in the head. She leaned back lifeless against the wall. I grab the knife and toss it on the roof of a building. I hear someone coming into the alley way and I bolt towards home. I was proud, proud that I have protected senpai from that girl.
Hope you all enjoyed this one shot! L8tr

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