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— 3rd

"Baby ~" Yoongi coos into Tae's ear.

Tae rubs his eyes and blinks to adjust his vision.
He sees Yoongi beside him smiling.

"Morning baby."

Tae blushes.

"Morning hyung."

"Go take a shower, we're going somewhere." Yoongi pecks Tae's nose.

Tae sits up and folds his blanket. "Where to hyung?"

"Secret." Yoongi smirks.

Tae pouts but goes to the bathroom.
He put on a simple light blue coloured fuzzy sweater and some black skinny jeans.
Slipping into his black converse, he steps out of his room.

Yoongi snakes his arms around Tae's waist, giving him a back hug.

"You ready angel?" Yoongi whispers that caused shivers to spread down Tae's spine.

Tae nods.

The duo leaves for a special event that Yoongi had planned.


In Yoongi's car, Tae was singing along to a song on the radio as Yoongi drives.
Yoongi smiles listening to his baby.

Suddenly Tae's tummy rumbles.
Yoongi looks at Tae as he blushes.

"Is my baby hungry?" Yoongi coos.

Tae nods slowly as his blush deepens.

Yoongi chuckles as he reaches his hand to Tae hand and intertwined them.

"We'll stop at a Cafe nearby soon."

"Thank you hyung."

Stopping at the adorable Cafe, Yoongi goes ahead and orders two breakfast sets, one latte and one machiato as Tae chooses a place to sit.

A Yoongi brings the food, Tae immediately digs in.
Yoongi chuckles at his behavior.
Tae takes a sip of his machiato.
As he places the cup down, Yoongi notices a little cream hanging out on the left side of his beautiful lips.

Yoongi smirks.

Yoongi slowly leans in and caresses Tae's cheek.
Tae turns red as he stares into Yoongi's eyes.
Yoongi captures Tae lips in a sweet kiss.
Tae kisses back happily.
Yoongi licks the cream on Tae's lips and pulls away smiling happily at the blushing Tae.

"The cream tastes good baby," Yoongi smirks as he licks his lips.

"Yah hyung. Thief!" Tae pouts as Yoongi laughs.

"Let's get going baby. An hour to go." Yoongi smiles.

"Tell me hyung. We're are we going please." Tae shows him his puppy eyes.

"We'll we're going to one of your favorite places." Yoongi smiles as the couple walks towards the car.

Tae settles down in his seat and narrows his eyes.
He bits his lips as a habit of him thinking.

Yoongi chuckles at the sight of his baby deep in thought.


Yoongi parks his car, well in the middle of nowhere.
He looks over to Tae and smiles.

Tae was asleep, with his thumb in his mouth.
His knees in his chest and soft snores escape his pink lips.

Yoongi leans over and kisses Tae's forehead.
When Tae shows no sign of waking up, Yoongi laughs.

a little small | taegi + BTS [completed]Where stories live. Discover now