kisses and the park

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— 3rd

"daddy." tae whispers into yoongi's ears, trying to get him to wake up.

the boy sits happily on his boyfriend's torso, his chin resting on yoongi's chest.
he smiles when he feels a pair of hands holding onto his own waist to pull him closer.

tae then quickly locks his lips with yoongi's.
moving in beautiful sync, their lips were made for each other as they kissed with love.

"mm. i wouldn't mind getting up everyday like this baby." yoongi mumbles, lips against tae's.

tae blushes and whines softly, hitting yoongi chest with his small fists.
deep laughter escapes yoongi lips as he presses a soft kiss on the brunette's forehead.

"taetae woves daddy so muche!" tae giggles.

yoongi's heart swells in happiness and love.

melting from the cuteness of my little baby and precious boyfriend who deserves the entire galaxy.

"daddy loves you too baby. so much." yoongi smiles, pressing another kiss on tae's lips.

"come bubba, let's have some breakfast."

"otay daddy." tae cheers and gets off his daddy.

as yoongi stands up, he puts on a shirt and turns around facing the flustered tae.

"u-upsies p-pwease." tae does grabby hands.

yoongi chuckles and scoops his little baby up in his arms and walks to the dining table.

"hi hyungies! taetae tall!" tae squeals.

the boys coo and laugh at tae's statement of him being tall since he's in yoongi's arms.

"good morning sweetie." jin smiles.


sitting on the couch, tae comes out of little space and begins to watch a random movie.
yoongi plops down beside his baby and slumps on the couch, silencing watching.

after about 10 minutes of silence, yoongi grabs tae and pulls him into his arms and between his legs, locking his arms on tae's lower back.

"y-yoonie?" tae blushes.

smirking, yoongi captures tae's lips, sweetly kissing the smaller boy.
their lips moving in beautiful sync and the older pulls tae closer to his chest.

trapping the smaller in his embrace, he devours tae's lips.
getting heated, yoongi nibbles on tae's bottom lip asking for an entrance, which he grants.

slipping his tongue into tae's hot cavern, yoongi explores every nook and cranny.
soft moans escape tae's lips which are swallowed by yoongi himself.

they pull away with tae's cheeks a bright pink and his lips red and swollen.
yoongi has a little blush as well and smirks in amusement at his shy baby.

"you're lips are so sinfully addicting." yoongi mumbles, his lips already ghosting against tae's as the boys enter the room.

"yah! guys! stop being horny." jimin whines.

tae giggles and turns around, still in yoongi's embrace as he smiles at his members.

"let's go somewhere?" namjoon suggests.

"the park!" tae shouts.

"the park it is!" jeongguk giggles.


right now, yoongi is laying on the soft, green grass and tae's head on his chest.
the rest are sprawled out or playing the frisbee.

yoongi presses a soft kiss on tae's forehead and closes his eyes, preparing to sleep.
tae giggles and look up, shifting a little to rest his chin on yoongi's chest.

the brunette's grins cutely as he studies his boyfriend's beautiful face.

"what's up dork? why you smiling so much baby?" yoongi pokes tae's nose playfully.

"just love you. a lot." yoongi chuckles.

he leans down and kisses tae's hairline.

"love you lots too." yoongi presses another kiss.

"what's with the kisses yoonie?" tae giggles.

"just cause."

"just cause?"

"just cause." yoongi smiles and the duo share another sweet kiss under the cover of the beautiful oak tree.


hey lovelies!
thank you so much for reading!
this book has ended guys )):
so sorry for the late notice!
i'll be posting the epilogue right after.
so stay tuned ((:
kay bye my angels ~ ❤️

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