aches and huggles

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— 3rd

the little's eyes shoot open as he clutches his stomach tightly.
soft, painful whimpers escapes the boy's plump, pink lips.
cursing up into a ball, he craves for his daddy.

"d-da-daddy." tae chokes out softly.

although nobody hears him, the boy was on his bed, curled up in his blankets.
his bottom lip held between his teeth.
the lip turning blood red by the second.

a few stray tears escape his eyes feeling nothing but pain and unpleasant feelings.

his stomach emitting severe pain and stomach ache scaring the poor little.
his small frame trembling in need of his daddy's warm touch and safe embrace.

his toes curling and his hands all fisted up, trying to hold the pain.
falling deeper down the head space, the little rolls over to the bed side table.

stretching out his hand, he grabs his binky.
he puts it in his mouth and sucks harshly, trying to soothe the horrible pain.

his eyes squeezed shut and a few tears escape them as he hears lighter outside his door.
his whimpers softly, but trying to voice himself out, unfortunately being too soft.

"d-da-daddy." tae cries out.


"d-daddy!" tae whimpers.

the sound of footsteps getting closer to the door, raises up tae's spirits.
the door opens and the boy sees his daddy.
he looks at yoongi with tears eyes holding pain and pouty lips, plump and red.

"oh baby. what's wrong angel?" yoongi asks softly, taking tae into his lap.

"o-o-owie." tae points to his tummy and whimpers softly into yoongi's chest.

"shh, no crying baby." yoongi begins to rub soft circles on tae's soft, flat tummy.

the older also places soft kisses all over tae's forehead, hairline and hair.
tae, already feeing a little better, sighs in content as the warmth.

"my baby is brave isn't he? he can do this." yoongi smiles into tae's soft hair.

he continues to rub circle on tae's tummy, intertwining his fingers with the other.
tears still escape tae's eyes.

"come baby, let's go to the living room." yoongi scoops the smaller into his arms.


tae clings onto his daddy as he fists his stuffie and his face resting on yoongi's shoulder.
smiles carve their way onto the boy's' lips as they see their special little.

however, they quickly disappear when they see a few tears on tae's soft cheeks and the boy squirming in pain in yoongi's embrace.

"what's wrong petal?" jeongguk caresses tae's cheek once yoongi settles down.

"o-owie." tae whines and hugs his tummy.

"oh my poor sunshine." hoseok rubs tae's back.

yoongi wraps his arms around tae's waist and hugs the boy closer to him.
the rest of the boys huddle around the couple, settling down in the couch.

"d-dada?" tae whispers.

"yes prince?" jimin smiles, running his fingers through tae's hair.

"n-nemo?" tae asks, tilting his head to the side.

the boys coo at the younger and smiles in delight and warmth.

"sure love. gguk, grab some snacks will you?" jimin quickly puts the movie in.

tae begins to feel so much better knowing that is family is there for him.
he snuggles deeper into his boyfriend's embrace and sighs happily.

his stomach ache now gone, and he was having the huggle session of his life watching nemo.
tae smiles and pecks yoongi jaw and rests his head on his chest.

a pair of lips were felt on tae's head and he smiles happily.

"snacks! ggukie gots snacks!" tae makes grabby hands at the bowl of popcorn.

"what do you say baby bear?" jeongguk asks.

"pwease ggukie. taetae wan!" tae whines and asks sweetly.

the boys chuckle in amusement as jeongguk shakes his head, hanging the bowl over.

happily munching on the buttery popcorn, tae's eyes bubble in excitement and interest at the movie playing on the television.

his ache long gone.


hey lovelies!
i'm so sorry for the late update ;-;
god, i am like the worst!
thank you so much for reading!
kay bye my angels ~ ❤️

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