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— 3rd

tae smiles and snuggles closer to his boyfriend, getting more warmth for himself.
he looks up and giggles softly at yoongi's sleeping face that looked so cute to tae.

the younger carefully straddles the older and leans down, places his lips on yoongi's.
he soon feeing lips moving against his and smiles knowing that yoongi is awake.

"mm ~ again with this? my morning are turning out to be amazing." yoongi chuckles, his deep husky laughter sends chills down tae's spine and blush to coat his cheeks.

tae giggles and slips into little space.

"hi daddy! nice slweep?" tae asks, tilting his head to the side cutely."

"i slept amazing bubba. what about you?"

"nice." tae smiles.


"daddy, 'oney pwease." tae does grabby hands to the bottle of honey for his pancakes.

"here bubba." yoongi passes the sauce over and pecks tae's nose.

tae giggles and squeezes the honey all over his pancakes, soaking them.
unfortunately, accidentally getting some sauce onto the dining table.

"uh oh." tae looks up with guilt in his eyes.

the boys laugh at tae's reaction to his accidental mistake.

"it's alright munchkin. eat now." namjoon smiles and urges tae's to eat.

"no angwy?" tae asks, looking around the table.

"no bear, promise." jeongguk smiles.

"otay!" tae smiles and begins to eat his honey soaked pancakes.


"see 'ulan?" tae asks as he looks up at his daddy.

"you wanna watch mulan baby?" yoongi asks.

"yes pwease!" tae does his puppy eyes to his boyfriend who had his arms around tae's tummy, pulling him closer.

"alright bubba. go call the other, i'll put it in." yoongi pecks tae's head and he runs off to his members to call them out.

"hyungies! 'ulan!" tae squeals and everyone laughs at his adorable pronunciation.

"mulan sunshine. mu. lan." hoseok says it slowing as tae's settles on yoongi's lap.

"lan." tae says.

laughter echoes throughout the house and everyone just gives up and begins to watch on of tae's favourite shows.

no one could ever imagine their lives without the fluff ball being a ball of energy.

tae is someone special to them and they never want to let him go.
loving him like a family would and treating him with absolute care.

what a lucky little.


hey lovelies!
and that's the end guys )):
i'm so sorry for the sucky ending ;-;
thank you so much for joining me on this book's journey!
thank you for reading this book and supporting me in every way!
i appreciate each and every one of you so much!
i will be updating other books, and may start a new book, idk.
anyways, thank you and i hope you've enjoyed this book!
kay bye my angels ~ ❤️

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