smiles and rules

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— 3rd

Yoongi wakes up and a smiles tugs in his lips.
He runs his fingers through his baby's soft hair.
Seeing his baby curled up in a ball in his embrace, Yoongi just loves the sight.

Massaging Tae scalp, Tae flutters his eyes open.
He blushes when he comes face to face with his daddy.
Stealing a kiss from Tae, Tae blushes.

"Good morning daddy." Tae squeals.

Yoongi chuckles. "Morning baby."

Tae smiles and sits up.
He crawls over and places his bum on Yoongi's thighs.
Yoongi sits up as well and places his hands on Tae's bum.


"Yes daddy?"

"We need to have some rules now, alright honey bun?"

Tae nods.

"Use your words angel."

"Okay daddy."

"Good boy." Yoongi ruffles Tae's soft hair.

He give Tae a soft kiss as a reward.
Tae blushes and buries his face into the crook of Yoongi's neck.
Yoongi chuckles.

"Rule 1 is you have to listen to daddy, okay?"

"Yes daddy."

"Rule 2, nap time is from 1 to 2."

"What about play time?" Tae asks frantically as he perks up.

"That in the mornings." Yoongi chuckles.

"Yay! What's rule 3?" Tae asks in curiosity.

"Rule 3 is to have manners and to be nice."

"Okay daddy!"

"Rule 4 is always say thank you and sorry."

"Is there more?" Tae asks.

"And the last one, rule 5 is never shout at others."

"Okay daddy."

"If you go against any of theses rules, there will be a punishment okay baby?"

"O-okay daddy." Tae says.

"You're such a good baby." Yoongi praises and captures Tae's lips.

Tae kisses back and their lips move in perfect harmony.
In sync with each other, Yoongi smiles.
Pulling away with an amused Yoongi and a blushing Tae.

"Let's take a shower angel." Yoongi smiles and lifts Tae up.

Tae smiles and wraps his legs around Yoongi's waist.
His arms around Yoongi's neck.

"Can we have strawbewwy bubbles?" Tae asks looking at Yoongi.

"Sure baby." Yoongi smiles.


After dressing up, Tae runs to the dining table.
Leaving his daddy behind.

"Good morning hyungs!" Tae squeals, then bursts into giggles as Yoongi lifts Tae.

"Good morning love." Jimin smiles.

"Morning petal." Jungkook greets.

"Morning pumpkin." Namjoon replies.

"Good morning sweetie." Jin says as he places a plate of waffles for Tae.

"Morning sunshine." Hoseok chuckles.

Tae squeals and sits at his place.
His eyes sparkle at the sight of waffles.

"Daddy! Gimmie sauce." Tae point to the maple syrup.

"What's the magic word angel?" Yoongi asks.

"Pwease gimmie the sauce?" Tae asks sweetly.

The boys at the table coo at Tae's cuteness.
Chuckling at the use of his language.

"Here you go baby." Yoongi places a kiss on Tae's nose.

Tae burst into soft giggles as he pouts the sauce.
Grabbing a strawberry, he shoves it into his mouth.
A big smile plastered on his face.


Tae was sitting on Yoongi's lap humming a child's song.
Colouring in his book while Yoongi's arms were loosely wrapped around Tae's waist.
Yoongi places soft kisses on the back of Tae's neck.

Tae giggles softly from the feeling.
He stops colouring and shows his work to his daddy.

"Daddy lookie!" Tae squeals.

"That's amazing baby." Yoongi smiles and pecks Tae's lips.

The rest of the boys who were watching the duo had smiles on their faces.
They had never seen Yoongi so happy.
And also the sight was adorable.

"Hyungs lookie!" Tae holds up his colouring.

"Well done love!" Jimin praises.

The rest nod in agreement.
Tae hums and continues colouring and humming.
While Yoongi watches in amusement.


"Thank yoew for lunche hyung." Tae smiles.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Jin coos.

Tae happily walks to the kitchen to wash his plate.
After washing his plate, he goes to the living room and plays with his stuffie.
Yoongi sits beside Tae and watches television.

Happily playing, Tae doesn't notice that it's already 1.
Yoongi lifts Tae up into his lap.

"Nap time baby." Yoongi coos.

"I don't wanna daddy." Tae whines.

"Tae." Yoongi warns.

"Pwease daddy, 5 more minutes." Tae begs.

"Alright baby. Only 5." Yoongi chuckles.

Tae squeals and continues to play.
Soon, he yawns and crawls over to Yoongi.
Burying his face into Yoongi's neck, Tae yawns.

"Sweepy." Tae mumbles.

"Let's have a nap then baby." Yoongi stands up with Tae in his arms and goes to their shared room.

Carefully laying Tae down, Yoongi lays down beside him.
Tae hugs his stuffie and sticks his thumb into his mouth.
Sucking on it as Yoongi places a soft kiss on Tae's forehead.

"Sleep well angel." Yoongi whispers.


Hey guys!
I'm super sorry for the short chapter.
I mean, today, I'm trying to update most of my books :)
Thank you so much for reading!
Check out my other books pleasee.
Tell me how this chapter went :)
Saranghae ~ ❤️

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