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When I was a little girl
I was daddy's precious pearl
He used to teach me lessons
About life and essens :
Don't walk away from a friend
Who brought your suffering to an end
Don't forget a favor
And never let your faith wavor
Don't give up too fast
And don't live putting a mask
Don't try to impress
And don't expect much in your distress
Don't judge and make an enemy
Because he might be tomorrow's remedy
Don't mourn on lost things
Keep going before your bell dings
Don't let go of that "one"
And remember to always have some fun
Don't let people tell you what to do
You're a grown up and you have a brain too
Don't waste your time wondering what if
Take the chance and jump from the cliff
Don't put down from yourself
And never care about any wealth
Don't die before your death
Live and settle even with an F
Those were my father's stories
That he followed with a bunch of sorries
It was his way
To make up I say
My heart ached
For his suffering, and breaked
In times of need
With children at home to feed
He had to grow a taile
To do his best so he won't fail
Sacrifice had to be done
With a burden that weights a tone
He didn't care about his pride
As long as we were by his side
Tiredsome and pain were clear on his face
But he kept acting with ace
I knew he was a troubled man
Yet, I still was his number one fan
Even when he left me alone
With no place to call home
Just a familiar name on a plate
A far memory and a mess up fate
He said: I'll always be there
Don't cry, I won't bare
But I couldn't be that brave
I kept wheeping by his grave
Rain mixed with my every tear
As I was facing my greatest fear
Loosing a man who is a part of me
Yet I had to be strong, lock my heart and throw the key
For I am my father's daughter
And I promised that I won't falter
He will be there like he said
I know and I have my mind set
I'll walk on this road
And see what will be fold
He will be there when I pray
When I ask him: Why didn't you stay?
He won't answer I know
But he'll hear and go were I go
He'll be there when I cry
Lecture me when I lie
He'll walk with me on the aisle
And keep away everything vile
He will always be there
Because he will always care.

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