Chapter One

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I turned the page.
   Twisted, I've read it so many times and the ending still surprises me.
   I thought to myself. R.L. Stine was one of my favourite childhood authors, and still is. I tucked the bookmark in between the pages and put the novel in my backpack. My phone buzzed and it made me jump.
   That's what horror novels do to you Leia.
  I picked up my phone;
  I unlocked my phone and opened the message,
*Hey Leia! Are we still on for tonight? If so when do you want me to pick you up?*
  We had planned to go out for dinner and then catch a movie, I wasn't really up for that.
  I started typing my reply;
*Sorry Sam, can't make it tonight! I think I've got a bug :(*
  I felt bad lying to him, I finally agreed to go out with him after 8 years. Sam's had a crush on me since 7th grade, and he tells me he's fallen in love with me. I haven't beleived in love or been on a date since sophomore year of high school when Alec broke my heart. Sam was there for me and he's been my best friend ever since.
I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. I threw my coffee cup in the trash as I left the café. It was only a 20 minute walk from my house but I always took the woodsy path, it took an hour but it was beautiful outside.
  I started on my way to the forest, there weren't many people out.
  Probably all in having dinner or just getting off of work, it's only 6 o'clock.
  I kept walking, it was pretty chilly out so I stopped and grabbed my gloves from my bag. I slipped them on as I kept walking.
  I stopped for a moment. There were footsteps behind me and they stopped a few seconds after I did. I whipped around but nobody was there.
This is what happens when you read horror novels and then go walk in the woods Leia!
  I shrugged and turned around to continue on my way. I bumped into somebody, they practically came out of nowhere.
   "Oh! I'm so s-.."
  I looked up at the stranger. He was tall, and he had the strangest coloured eyes that I couldn't place the colour. They were blue yet they were dark brown, it confused me. He met my gaze and there was a hint of a smile on his face, not really a happy smile though. It was more devilish. I was scared and didn't know what to do or what to say. I stood there frozen like a deer in caught in headlights.
Next thing I knew was that I was following him into the woods, straying from the path, no control over my actions.

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