The Party

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Your guide for the day turns out to be no other than Pisti. You were surprised by the fact that Sinbad has sent one of the Eight Generals for a task like this, but the friendly young woman soon assures you that she had volunteered for the task.

"I don't really have many girl friends, and I thought It would be a good chance to get to know each other" She explains shyly, playing with her fingers, insecure. Her physical appearance makes her look like a sad little girl at that moment.

You give her a surprise look and bow your head slightly

"It would be an honor to be your friend" You say, smiling at her.

Pisti eyes sparkle with excitement as she smiles back.

"Princess Kougyoku Ren isn't going to accompany us?" The lovely girl asks you, looking around when she notices it's just you waiting for her.

Her question makes perfect sense. Being Kougyoku assistant, you are supposed not to leave her side, but, the princess had made perfectly clear that she doesn't want your company at the moment.

"No, It's just me. The princess is busy with other issues at the moment. Besides, this isn't her first visit to Sindria." You shrug, looking at Pisti.

"Oh, yes! You are right, she was here that time that..." Pisti's eyes widen, and she interrupts herself "Never-mind! Let's go!" The blond, short woman gives you a sweet smile and then signals you to follow her.

Even thought Sindria is a small country, you knew you weren't going to be able to see the hold Kindom in only one afternoon. You had already met the Hardboard when you arrived, so Pisti decides to take you to Forest and show you some of the diverse creatures that live there. She also tells you about her Household Vessel.

While talking to Pisti about the different towers and areas around the Palace, you learn, much for you surprises, that you and the princess are currently staying at the Purple Leo Tower, which was odd, as the guests are supposed to stay at the Green Sagittarius Tower.

"If that's the case, why are we staying in the same tower you and the rest of the Generals are? It's odd that Princess Kougyoku didn't mention anything either"

" I'm sure the Princess isn't familiar with the Palace structure. She probably didn't notice that she is staying in a different area than before" Pisti says, standing near a large tree.

"And why you think we are staying there?" You ask again, realizing that she ignored your question.

"Well ... If you are staying with us, it's likely to be because Sinbad wants it that way"

Pisti laughs when she sees the astonish look on your face.

You don't need to hear more about the matter.


Later that day, after thanking and saying goodbye to Pisti to go to your cousin's room, to get ready for the night event.

Princess Kougyoku seems to be in a better mood than earlier. You help her get ready, while telling her about your day with Pisti.

True to her word, she gives you one of her dresses for you to wear. It's a beautiful long, elaborate dress, similar to the one she always wears.

Once both of you are ready, a royal guard escorts you to the party, witch it's in the open air.

The place is full of people eating, drinking and dancing. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

"Miss Kougyoku!!" A voice comes from your right side.

You turn to see a young man of average height with blond hair and golden eyes. He is running towards you, followed by a young girl with pink hair and a short, blue haired boy.

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