Leave or Stay?

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"Yes, It's OK" Sinbad nods, looking at you, before facing his guards. "Step back, just let the Princess go" He orders.

All the guards do as he says, and Kougyoku walks away, with her chin raised and a cold glare on her eyes.

You follow her, keeping your distance until she reaches her room. going inside you close the door behind you. She walks over to the window, giving her back at you.

"Kougyoku..." You call her in a low voice.

"I'm sorry ok? I know I shouldn't have done all that" She grumbles, still looking outside "But I wasn't really going to hurt you. I just wanted to scare you... Make you fell bad... Because you hurt me, and you know, I don't know how you do it!? King Sinbad, Judar... How do you get this man to fall for you?" The Princess throws her arms into the air, irritated.

"What!?? Did you just say Judar!?" You look at her with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Kougyoku turns around, the way she looks at you is full of anger "Neverminds, anyway! The truth is that I can't lie to myself, I always knew King Sinbad was never going to love me. But what hurts me is that you didn't tell me you had feelings for him. You are like a sister to me!" She yells, walking around the room.

"I didn't mean to hurt you! I was going to tell you about Sinbad myself!... But nothing happened until last night, and It was only a kiss! I swear!" You explain, while your eyes follower her around the room.

"A kiss? And why was he naked in your room then?" She questions, finally standing in front of you.

"He wasn't completely naked... And... He slept there... Come on! I think you of all people known about him and his clothes and... Just Forget it, the thing is nothing else happened!..." You stumble on your own words.

"You know what, I don't want to know. I don't care. I will apologize to the King for what I did. But after that I'm going back to Kou" She says in a more calm tone of voice. She walks to the corner of her room and sit on a chair.

"What?" You look at her with wide eyes. For some reason the idea of leaving Sidria and going back to Kou makes your heart ache. You don't want to admit the reason is Sindria's King.

"Yes, I'm going back home" Kougyoku sounds determined, but looks away, with sorrow in her eyes.

"Ok... I understand... I'll go find someone to help me start packing your things and I'll go pack mine afterwards and..." You turn around as you start to walk back to the door.

"No. You are staying. I want you to stay" Hearing her say that makes you stop and look back at her.

"What? You... You are leaving me here? Princess you can't do that! I told you nothing happened!" You beg, trying to keep your voice under control and fighting to hold in the tears.

You don't want to leave Sindria, but your heart keeps braking realizing she is so mad at you that she is willing to just let you behind. The Kou Empire was your home after all. Dose she have the power to exile you? Would she ask the Emperor to do it for her?

"No, it's not that." Kougyoku voice brings you back to reality, and she now sounds clam and mournful. The princess stands walk towards you and takes you hands in hers, surprising you.   "(Name), You can go back with me if you want. I forgive you." She solemnly says, smiling and looking into your eyes. "But, I want you to stay. I want you to stay here and be with that Stupid King. So you can see him for what he really is" Her grips grows tighter in your hands and her smile fades "He is manipulative, he uses people, and well, you know, everybody knows that he is a womanizer, you saw that with your own eyes at that party..."

She studies your expression, and, when she doesn't get more than a shocked look for you, she lets go of your hands, but keeps talking "I was blind like you. But not anymore. That's why I want you to stay, so that when he uses you and tosses you aside, you'll see I was right. And then you can go back to Kou" She smiles again, resting a hand on your arm.

You look at her with a mix of confusion and disbelief. You know she is right about many things she said, but you also know that she is hurt and heartbroken. That doesn't change the fact that you suspect that maybe, all those things she said about Sinbad are right. And that scares you.

Should you take the risk, and found it out by yourself?

"I-I don't know what to say..." You stutter a little.

"It's ok. You can have until tonight to let me know of your answer. Now go. Tell Lord Ja'far about my departure, and ask him to send someone to pack my things. I'll go see King Sinbad later." She states, dismissing you.

"Ok. I'll go tell him... Your Highness" Feeling your head like a mess, you give her a short bow, and leave the room, still trying to process what just happened.

While you are walking along the Palace's corridors you feel the odd and judging looks that people are giving you. Not that you can really blame them. After all that Kougyoku was yelling at you earlier, they probably  think you are some crazy, easy girl form Kou, that present herself as the Princess Asistent...

You shake your head, trying to put that thought away, and in a few minutes you are standing in front of Ja'far office. He isn't there though, But you have an idea of where he may be.

Once you reach Sinbad's office, you Knock at the door, while you hear different voices coming from inside the room.

"Yes, come in" A voice calls you.

Once you go into the room, you find not only Sinbad and Ja'far, but the rest of the General.

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt" you murmured, looking at them, feeling quite uncomfortable and ashamed after what took place with Kou's Princess. Luckily non of them gives you a harsh look, on the contrary, they just seem worried.

You remain by the door, not sure if it is right to say the news in front of everybody.

"It's ok! Don't worry, come in." Sinbad smiles and signals you to go far into the room.

"I-I wanted to apologize to all of you on behalf of Princess Kougyoku and me. She told me she will apologize herself, but I think I also need to do it. I'm very sorry for what you had to witness out there..." You blush lightly, looking away.

"Don't worry, you were amazing out there!" Sharrkan Cheers you.

"He's right! That household vessel of you it's pretty good!" Hinahoho encourage you with a simile.

"Yes, It's true!"

The others nod to each other and you start to feel much better. Apart from being really talented people they are also great friends. No wonder Sinbad cared about them so much.

"Thank you, to all of you" You bow and smile brightly to them.

"I'm guessing, you are here to talk to me, right? We can go to another office next to this..." Sinbad tells you. He smiles and starts to stand up from his chair.

"Actually, the reason I'm here, it's because I was looking for Lord Ja'far" You interrupt him, looking at his advisor.

"Oh, yes of course. What can I do for you?" Ja'far asks, looking at you.

"Ahem... well, Princess Kougyoku wanted me to ask you to send someone in her room, to help her pack her belongings. She is going back to Kou."

The General exchange confused looks between each other, while Sinbad stares at you in disbelief.

In a heart beat, he pulls up from his sit and walks over to you. He stands in front of you, giving his back to the rest and covering you, so that they can't see you.

"What you mean she is going back to Kou? She can go, but you have to stay!"


A/N: So what do you say? Will you leave or stay?
Anyhow...Sorry for the crappie chapter.
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