02. Delusions & Illusions

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The corridors were deathly silent, save for the occasional loquacious student whose stifled voice could be discerned from the outside

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The corridors were deathly silent, save for the occasional loquacious student whose stifled voice could be discerned from the outside. It was an effortless procedure to listen to the taps of the soles of her shoes against the ground, allowing the calming mechanism to ease her state of mind.

Her intended destination, the restroom, was just at the end of the hall. Regrettably, Takane ascertained that ambling to the bathroom and back was not a trip long enough to satisfy her need for fresh air.

She figured that she'd deal with it when the time came, however.

Languidly, she cast her eyes around the vicinity, only to notice a girl heading her way from across the hall. Naturally, it wasn't anyone she recognized; it was difficult to familiarize herself with people outside of her diminutive social circle in a class of only two students. Besides, why would anyone bother with the 'special' kids, anyway?

The torpid Takane returned to minding her own business, drifting off in her muses for less than an eternity until her shoulder grazed another's. The impact was jarring, more so than one might expect, and sent both parties stumbling backwards.

Great, she involved herself with a young lady that should've been none of her concern otherwise.

If she wasn't awake before, she most definitely was now.

"S-Sorry about that, I didn't mean to—"

Rather than the schoolgirl that she anticipated, her weary gaze met with a teenage boy roughly around her age. She did a double take, furrowing her eyebrows; it clearly wasn't the lass from mere seconds ago.

A pair of dilated golden eyes stared straight back at her, reflexively shifting as if it belonged to a cat. The boy gaped in what she immediately perceived as shock and trepidation, but Takane reckoned that was no reason for him to be like a deer caught in the headlights.

Her vision feverishly darted across the hallway in a desperate attempt to prove her observations wrong, however, traces of the schoolgirl were nowhere to be found. What the fu—

Nothing stirred, not even a mouse, while Takane found herself alone with this stranger amidst the halls.

Had she really brought this upon herself?

Upon further inspection of his choppy blonde hair shielded by a menacing black hood, she couldn't help but to wonder how the faculty allowed such a figure into the school, unless...

It all made sense now.

Surely, this boy had to be a fugitive. Rationality didn't quite exist in her dictionary, but it was the best answer her frantic mind could conjure in that fleeting moment.

Her supposed discovery of the truth must have been written across her visage as clear as day, because the boy assumed a more hostile stance and sprang up from his place on the tiled floor to clamp his hand against her mouth, to which she didn't take very kindly.

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