03. The Greatest of Them All

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Step by step, the blur of their messy movements blended into the otherwise still air, as the duo forged their path towards the exit of the school as discreetly as possible

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Step by step, the blur of their messy movements blended into the otherwise still air, as the duo forged their path towards the exit of the school as discreetly as possible. It was far from their mutual intentions to be caught skipping, among other things. Takane found herself not only doubting the hooded boy, but her own acumen and street-smarts to be willingly trailing after the teen to begin with.

Sure, he was Ayano's brother and all, but for all she knew, she could have gotten assailed the moment they left school grounds—or worse.

Credibility, my ass. The more I see that shit-eating grin of his, the more endangered I feel...

It was too late to turn back, for they were mere feet away from the main doors. If Takane had to be honest, she was in no physical condition to fight back should anything sinister happen the second she stepped foot outside. After the clutter of events near the bathroom, the limited energy she had coursing through her veins was naturally reserved for her one true love: games.

Even treading down the stairs was enough of a chore. Though, the blonde beside her seemed satisfied enough to descend with a noticeable pep in his step. The gamer girl simply cocked an eyebrow at the sight, and her gaze met with golden hues in a matter of seconds when the shorter of the two decided to turn her way.

"Say, Takane. Are you always this crabby, or is it just me~?" He questioned rather playfully, while keeping his voice hushed in fear of being heard by neighboring classrooms.

The girl stared blankly at him in return, her voice just as faint. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I feel like you've been glaring daggers at me for the past few minutes. Oh, woe is me! I haven't even done anything wrong yet."

Yet. She begged to differ, but instead went along with it. "Excuse me? This is how I normally look..." Takane bitterly muttered, her supposed 'glare' intensifying at the blonde.

Kano merely nodded in understanding, before a stream of air swept past both their faces as the boy pushed open the front doors towards the freedom outside. "So, you must be one of those people with resting bitch faces! Interesting," he commented shortly afterwards, casually stepping foot on the pavement as if he wasn't straying from school grounds at all.

Maybe the 'resting bitch face' he spoke of was menacing enough to deter people away. How fortunate.

If it weren't for the plethora of pink clouds clustered around slender branches, Takane would have already forgotten that was only April. The muted champagne pink of cherry blossoms made it evident that it was only the start of the school year, and yet, here she was not giving much of a damn for her studies. At least she wasn't alone.

She shielded her eyes from the sun with her beige-sleeved arm as her gaze shifted about their surroundings, spotting a dark green tracksuit amidst the lush blades of grass and dainty specks of tinted petals that flickered in the breeze. The figure had their back facing the duo, and if it weren't for their massive height, the crouching tracksuit would have blended in perfectly with the rest of the spring scenery.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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