He Realizes what He Did

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(Their POV)

"Ugh I did a terrible thing." I said.
"Yeah you did." Nishiki said.
"Ugh what do I do I love her more than anything I would do anything for her." I said.
"Well for starters you could I don't know apologize." Nishiki stated.
"I will that will be first but what do I even say?" I asked.
"How do you honestly feel about F/N?" Nishiki asked.
"I love her more than anything in this world. She is the love of my life." Kaneki said.
"Well why don't you say that." Nishiki said.
"Your right I should thanks Nishiki." I said.
"Anytime and next time don't be stupid." He said.

"Ugh why did I do that?" I asked.
"Do what?" Yukinori asked.
"I cheated." I said sadly.
"Well that's one way to hurt someone listen you have to apologize to her if you care about her." He said.
"I do care about her more than anything."'I said.
" Then tell her and show her you care." Yukinori said.
"I will!" I said determined.
"Thank you Yukinori." I said with a smile.
"Anytime." He said.

Ayato- "Ugh." I said while kicking a trash can.
"That won't get her back you know." Someone said.
"Touka." I said.
"Obviously F/N told me everything and you are so stupid for cheating on her why did?" She asked.
"I don't know I was being stupid." I said.
"You do know because your scared of falling in love with her but in case you haven't realized it  you are in love with her and you know it she makes your heart flutter and she puts butterflies in it and now since you hurt her you feel terrible because you never wanted to hurt her." Touka said.
I looked down.
"Your right I did it because I was scared I love her! I don't want to lose her I don't want to hurt her I can't imagine life without her and now I hurt and lost her." I said almost crying.
"You may have hurt her but  you haven't lost her she loves you probably more than you love her so go apologize!" Touka yelled.
"I like you two together." Touka said.
"I will do it!" I yelled determined.
Touka smirked "Go get her."

Hide- "Hide why did you cheat?" Kaneki asked.
"I don't even know all I know is I love F/N more than I could ever love anyone in this world." I admitted.
"Why don't you tell her?" Kaneki asked.
"Because she probably won't believe me." I said sadly.
"She loves you! F/N has always loved you since the day she met you and now YOU have to tell her how you feel." Kaneki said.
"I will!" I said.

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