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Kaneki- You and Kaneki stayed in the 20th ward. But when Levi was born you both questioned it but stayed. Levi was a ghoul so Kaneki had to show him the ropes. You and Kaneki loved each other so much and you both loved Levi. However Kaneki wanted another so that's what happened and you both had a daughter named Lucina and she was a ghoul and she looked identical to you and acted like you. You guys were the dream family and it was a very happy life.
"Hey F/N." Kaneki said.
"Hmm?" You asked.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." You said.

Juuzou-  Juuzou being a CCG despite you wanting him to quit he couldn't. You finished college and went into your dream job. You, Juuzou, and Cora stayed forever. Cora was a peace loving person that didn't want to kill ghouls she was a quarter ghoul and you were half. When Juuzou found out after a year of marriage he accepted the fact and he still loved you non the less. It just made him aware. You, Juuzou, and Cora lived a happy life and you loved every minute of it.
"I love you so much F/N!" Juuzou said energetically.
"I love you too Juuzou." You said.

Ayato- You and Ayato lived happily and peacefully after Ayato left Aorgiri.  You and Ayato loved each other immensely. Valentina and Vivian both being ghouls you decided to stay in the 20th ward and become close to Antieku. Ayato eventually came on okay terms with Touka but still kept his tsundereness and Vivian inherited it while Valentina was her own unique little ghoul. Ayato loved his two girls so much he wanted another and so did you so you both had one more a boy he looked like a mini Ayato so you gave in and named him Ayato jr and as he grew up he was a mini Ayato. Ayato loved you and his kids above all else.   You loved them above else.  All of you had a great life.
"I love you...stupid." Ayato said blushing.
"I love you too...jerk." You replied.
"Good." Ayato said.

Hide- You and Hide lived happily. Well as happy as you two could with all the drama. Years later when Edward and Alan turned five you got the family to leave to a different country and live out the rest of your life.
You were at the new country looking at house while the twins were playing.
You grabbed his hand and looked at him.
"Let's go home Hide." You said.


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