≥9≤ Mistakes

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As we walked along, we watched the sun set. It was beautiful, all purple and red and gold. I smiled to myself, it really was gorgeous.

"I like to see you happy." Jiyong gazed at me.

"Then you know why I can't go with you." I was still admiring the sunset.

"Can't or won't?" Jiyong sounded sad. I didn't respond, I didn't want to.

"Sara?" I heard him say. When I turned to look at him, what he did next shocked me. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, very gently. I just stared in disbelief. I didn't know what to do, my mind was whirling around. "I love you, I don't want to live without you." He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. Before I could do or say anything, I heard a shout.

"Sara! Get away from him!" The next thing I knew, I was getting pulled away from Jiyong, and I saw Taeyang standing between us, glaring at him. He was glaring right back.

"How dare you touch her." I heard the anger in his voice, I hadn't seen him that angry in a long time, it kind of scared me.

"Why shouldn't I? You were going too slow. Besides, she's mine now, and whether you like it or not, you can't do anything about it." Jiyong snapped back, his glare getting more intense. Taeyang was going too slow? What does that mean?

"No, she's not yours. I don't care if you imprinted on her a thousand times, I'm not letting you take her anywhere." Taeyang started to pull me away from him. Suddenly, Jiyong growled, his eyes flashed red, and his canines got a little bit longer.

"Jiyong!" I cried, running over and grabbing his arm. As soon as he felt my touch, he went back to normal. "Please don't hurt him, please." I looked into his eyes. I was terrified, but if he loved me as much as he said he did, I hoped beyond all hope that he would listen to me and not hurt  him. When he looked at me, his gaze became softer.

"I won't hurt him for your sake. I promise." Jiyong said, still gazing at me, "but I never want to see him again."

"Thank you." I gave him a hug. He put his arms around me and held me close, until Taeyang walked over and pulled me away from him, breaking the hug.

"I'm taking you home." He said through gritted teeth. He glared at Jiyong as he pulled me away. But I didn't break my gaze with Jiyong, not until we were out of sight.


Jiyong watched as Taeyang walked away, pulling Sara along with him. Everything in him wanted to tear him apart. But he knew he couldn't, I promised her. He thought, forcing himself to stay where he was. He didn't break his gaze with Sara until they were out of sight, and when they were, he knelt on the ground and cried. He cried until he had no more tears left. Then, he just laid there in the grass, looking up at the stars, thinking.

He thought about how he felt when Taeyang threatened to take her away. No, he will never take her from me again, ever. He was getting angry again. He hit the ground in frustration. Why couldn't Sara just go with him? Why couldn't she see that they were chosen and destined to be together? He sat up and looked out into the river. He knew that there would be another full moon soon, so he would have to lock himself away again.

That's no way to live. Sara had told him. He had no choice, what else could he do? He didn't want to hurt anyone else. The river is so peaceful. He gazed out over it. He wanted to stay there forever. He probably would have, if his grandmother hadn't come to get him.

"Jiyong, I was worried sick." She scolded, walking up to him. Then she noticed that he had been crying, and that he was alone. "What happened? Where's Sara?"

"I kissed her." Jiyong still looked out at the river. "But Taeyang came and dragged her away. I almost attacked him but Sara stopped me."

"I was afraid of this. Jiyong, it's getting stronger, isn't it? Your feelings for her." She knelt down in front of him.

"Yes. It was all I could do to not tear him apart. I couldn't bear to watch him take her away." He was dismayed. "I want to be with her forever."

"I know." His grandmother gave him a hug, "we will figure it out. But come, we must go home now. It's getting late." She stood up and held her hand out to him. He took it and let her pull him up, then they walked home.


It was a very awkward ride home, Taeyang didn't say anything, he just stared straight ahead at the road. I stared out the window, wishing that I was at home in bed. At least then I could just bury myself in my blankets and sleep forever, forgetting everything. I thought about Jiyong, about the kiss, and the way he held me. He was desperate, he didn't want to be alone. He wanted to be with me. I wanted to be with him.

What are you thinking? I shook my head. You can't just abandon your family like that. I told myself. I risked glancing at Taeyang, I saw anger all over his face. And sadness, and hurt.

"Taeyang?" I wished I could make it better somehow. He sighed, then pulled over to the side of the road.

"Why did you kiss him?" He was trying to stay calm.

"I didn't, I didn't expect him to do that. And I definitely didn't ask for it." I tried to explain.

"Sara! You didn't ask for it? What do you mean you didn't ask for it? Why were you with him in the first place?" He practically yelled, hitting the steering wheel. I never liked it when he got mad, because he could be scary, even though I knew he would never hurt me.

"Why are you acting like this?" I fought back tears. I knew he was overprotective, but I didn't understand why he was acting this way.

"Because I love you, I love you." He finally looked at me. I stared at him in shock, not knowing what to say or do.

"For how long?" It was barely above a whisper.

"For a long time. I wanted to tell you that night at the party, but you disappeared and then you weren't feeling well. I wanted to tell you tonight but when I went to your house your mom told me that you weren't home. Then I looked for you and found you by the river. With him, and when I saw him kiss you I lost it." Taeyang gazed at me.

"Taeyang...." I started, but I never finished that sentence. Because suddenly Taeyang was kissing me. I was shocked for the second time that night. I didn't know what to do, my head was whirling around and I felt like I was in a dream. When he finally broke away, I just stared at him in disbelief.

             Hey everyone! So yeah, a lot happened in this chapter. Wow! That's why it's longer then usual. But, the plot thickens! Hehe! Thanks so much for reading, lovelies!
            Rachel :)

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