>12< Learning To Trust Again

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When I woke up, I was snuggled next to Jiyong on the love seat. I blushed and carefully got up, trying not to wake him. I walked over to the bed where Taeyang was lying, he was still unconscious.

"Please wake up." I whispered, lightly touching his cheek. I sighed then went into the bathroom to freshen up. When I came out, Jiyong was awake. He smiled at me when he saw me.

"Hi." He got up and walked over to me.

"Hey." I blushed slightly. I quickly looked away so he wouldn't notice. He smiled as he gently brushed my hair behind my ear, I felt my heart skip a beat as he did it. Why? I silently wondered.

"I'm hungry, I'm going to go down to the cafeteria to get some food." I quickly retreated before anything else could happen. Jiyong just smiled at me and followed. He looks like a lovesick puppy...I tried not to giggle.

When we got to the cafeteria, we got our food and sat at a table near a window. We talked about many things, and Jiyong told me about the other wolves that came. Apparently they had once been a pack, but because of a disagreement, they went their separate ways.

But now they wanted Jiyong to go back and be their leader again. He told me that he wasn't planning on leaving. Not yet anyway. I felt like his feelings for me had something to do with his decision.  I felt slightly awkward about it, but I quickly shook it off.

When we walked back up to Taeyang's room, we saw his parents out in the hall. They were talking to Mr Burgess, the mayor. And with him was a policeman. I indistinctly grabbed Jiyongs' hand, suddenly very nervous. I felt him give my hand a light, reassuring squeeze before we walked over to them.

"Ah, Sara." Taeyang's mother said, when she saw me, "Mr Burgess here thinks that Taeyang's attack is connected to the tragedy. He's wondering if you know anything?"

"It would be most helpful, Miss Livingston." The mayor smiled at me. I felt like he could see right through me. Then he noticed Jiyong. "Ah, hello Mr, Kwon was it? Good to have you back." He gave another smile. Everything about him seemed fake. Jiyong just gave him a slight nod.

"What makes you think I know anything?" I asked him, trying to take his interest away from Jiyong.

"Well, Miss Livingston, there seems to be talk about you knowing about what happened that night. And the fact that your friend has the same wounds as the victims. Now I don't think that would be a coincidence, do you?" He seemed stare me down. I couldn't let him intimidate me.

"Well, it might be. After all, it did happen two years ago. So why would the wolf come back after such a long time? It seems he would be more interested in moving on, because if he did come back, then he would surely be recognized. And as for my knowing anything, it's impossible. I was too busy running for my life to notice anything." I gave him a sassy look, then added, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to go check on my friend. Good day Mr Mayor." And with that, I walked into Taeyang's room, with Jiyong following, and shut the door. Neither of us noticed the shocked expressions on Taeyangs' parents' faces, or the livid look on the mayor's face, full of suspicion.

"Wow, you go girl." Jiyong looked at me with admiration.

"Why thank you." I gave a playful bow. 

Jiyong just smiled at me, then gently took my hand and kissed it. I blushed and quickly looked away, making Jiyongs' smile even bigger. I went over to Taeyang's side again, he hadn't woken up yet. I was so afraid that he'd stay this way, and never wake up. I felt tears forming, and as much as I tried to hold them back, they fell as I silently cried. Suddenly, I felt Jiyong put his arms around me.

"It's going to be ok." He whispered into my hair, holding me close, "I'm going to make it ok." I nodded, relaxing against him and letting him comfort me. Even if I don't choose him, I know that he will always be my friend, and that he'll always be there for me, somehow. I leaned my head against his shoulder. A part of me though was wanting to be with him forever. And this feeling was getting stronger everyday. 

             Hey peeps! So, I'm sorry if this chapter is too boring or if it's all over the place! I wrote it last night at midnight. XD Also sorry it's shorter then usual, it was just a really good place to end the chapter! Thanks so much for reading and for the votes! It means a lot! Ciao for now!
             Rachel :)

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