>24< Betrayal

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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I had only slept for about an hour. My mind wouldn't let me rest. I had told Jiyong that I would give him an answer. I knew very well where my heart was, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay the price.

As I lay there, I searched my feelings more. And then I found him, right there, the whole time. It was so clear to me that I was shocked, and wondered why I hadn't seen it before. I sighed and rolled over, finally falling asleep again.

I was suddenly awoken by someone gently shaking me, I looked around confusedly. Was it morning? No, it was midnight! I rolled over and saw Seungri. What's going on? I wondered, I was just about to ask him when he placed his finger over his lips.

"We need to leave! Come on!" He whispered, helping me up.

"Why? Where's Jiyong? Is he coming?" I asked, I was very confused.

"He'll come later, he wanted me to take you somewhere safe!" He explained to me.

"Um, ok!" I said, getting up and slipping into the bathroom to get dressed. When I went down to the kitchen, Seungri handed me an apple and then lead me out to a car. It seemed kind of weird to me, he seemed rushed, kind of panicked even.

"Where are we going?" I asked, when we were in the car driving away.

"We are going to Twin Pines, Seunghyun said we could hide in his house since the mayor doesn't know about it." He said, staring straight ahead at the road.

"Oh. Why hasn't anyone told me about this plan?" I asked, confused.

"Jiyong and I just came up with it." He replied, shortly.

"But why wasn't he up to see us off?" I pressed, hoping to get a straight answer from him.

"Because he was outside making sure no one was around!" He said, "you should get some sleep, it's a long drive."

I nodded. But no matter how hard I tried to relax, I couldn't. Something didn't feel right, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that Seungri was lying to me. Why would he? He didn't have a reason to! I didn't think, anyways. Unless, unless he was trying to steal something precious from Jiyong. Something he couldn't live without.

"Seungri? Are you betraying Jiyong?" I asked, afraid to hear his answer.

"No, of course not!" He said, quickly. "I would never betray my brother!" But the look on his face gave everything away.

"Seungri, please be honest with me! Why are you doing this?" I asked him, shocked. He didn't seem the type to do something like this!

"Because you're beautiful, when I first laid eyes on you I thought so. I wanted to imprint on you, but I heard from Sunmi that Jiyong did first! I was going crazy, the more I saw you the more I wanted you for myself. Then I finally decided to do something about it!" Seungri said, his voice filled with strong emotion.

"This isn't right, Seungri. Do you really want to lose Jiyongs' trust? His love? His brotherhood? Do you know what you're truly sacrificing? Do you understand the price your mistake is going to pay?" I whispered, looking at his profile. He didn't say anything. He just stared straight ahead, and kept driving.


Jiyong knew something wasn't right as soon as he woke up, he jumped up and raced down to the room where Sara was sleeping.

"Sara?" He whispered, peeking his head through the doorway. He was met with silence. He listened for the sound of her even breathing, but there was nothing. "Sara!" He whispered again, a bit louder this time. He stepped into the room and turned the light on, only to find the bed empty.

Maybe she went downstairs for some reason? He thought, trying to fight the panicky feeling that was starting to rise up in him. He ran downstairs and looked in the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, he even looked outside in the back yard. Sara was nowhere to be found.

"Jiyong, I can't find Seungri!" He suddenly heard Daesung call from the back door.

No! No, he didn't! He wouldn't! He thought, the panicky feeling growing. He ran back towards the house. He went straight to Seunghyun and roughly shook him awake.

"Where is she?!" He yelled, when he was fully awake.

"Who? What are you talking about?!" Seunghyun asked, confused and terrified.

"Jiyong..." Daesung started, but one swift movement from Jiyong and he was thrown against the wall. The impact of him hitting it woke everyone else up.

"What's going on?" Someone asked, tiredly.

"Where. Is. She?" Jiyong asked dangerously, his eyes glinting red.

"I thought you knew! Seungri woke me up and told me about a plan you two had come up with, about him taking her to my house where she'd be safe!" Seunghyun cried, looking genuinely scared.

When Jiyong heard this, he let go of Seunghyun, but his demeanor didn't change. He let out a low growl and then ran out into the night.

"Daesung!!!!" Sunny cried, running to his side. "Seunghyun, what happened??"

"Betrayal." Seunghyun said, watching Jiyongs' figure disappear. Sunny gasped, covering her mouth. Daesung looked miserable. But no one noticed Sunmi slip out, following her grandson.


I was feeling miserable, wondering why I had such bad luck lately. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? I had way too much drama for a teenager. The most drama I had expected to get was the typical teenage drama that everyone went through in their senior year. Instead I got insane werewolves. Figures. I thought grumpily.

I sighed, thinking back to when the only things I would stress out over was the end of the year exams.

"It's going to be ok, Sara! You'll see!" Seungri said, taking my hand in his. I wanted to believe him, but I was so afraid of what Jiyong would do when he caught up to us.

"Seungri..." I started, but suddenly, there was a very loud thud. I screamed when the car rocked, but Seungri managed to keep it in control. Suddenly there was a crashing sound, and I got pulled out of the car. I heard Seungri yell, and for some reason I expected to get torn apart.

But instead, I was set down gently. I looked up and saw Jiyong looking at me with concern.

"Sara!" Seungri yelled, as soon Jiyong heard him he glared up at him.

"You...how could you?" He asked, anger and hurt laced in his words.

"Jiyong, please listen to me!" Seungri said, backing up slightly when his glare intensified.

"No. You don't deserve to live!" Jiyong growled, changing to his wolf form. Seungri backed up when he heard this, ready to flee.

"Jiyong!" I cried, but before I could move, he leapt at him. Seungri immediately changed and tried to defend himself, but Jiyongs' anger made him extremely strong, stronger then he'd ever been before. I watched in terror as they fought, Seungri trying to defend himself and Jiyong trying to rip him apart. I felt completely helpless.

Hey there, peeps!!!! Here's the next chapter! Sorry it's really long, a lot happens here! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for the reads and the votes! It means a lot!
Rachel :)

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