Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Baylee's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a rooster crowing from some nearby farm. Fitting for a southern town like this. The dream I had last night was still fresh in my mind...

*Dream Sequence*

I found myself in a ballroom, wearing a Cinderella style gown and a masquerade mask over my eyes. Soft classical music was playing from somewhere, and I wondered what I was doing in such a place. It seemed like a fairytale to me. A single spotlight lit up a man standing in a corner, his foot propped casually on the wall behind him. He pushed himself off the wall, and walked towards me, taking off his mask and revealing himself as Kane Wangler. "May I have this dance, fair maiden?" He asked. "You may, kind sir." I replied, a blush coming across my cheeks. We danced in circles endlessly, until he drew me close and whispered, "May I see the girl behind the mask? I do believe I'm falling for her." And reached up and took off my mask. He was so close that I could feel his warm, sweet breath wash over my face. It made my head swim. Kane tilted my chin up in one second, and his lips were nearly on mine, when he started to fade back into the blackness around us.

*End Dream Sequence*

I pulled myself up out of bed unwillingly, and went into my bathroom for a shower. I took my time, letting the warm jets of water wash over me. After 20 long minutes, I got out, and slipped into my robe.

"What to wear, what to wear?" I thought aloud to myself. It was hot and humid already, at only 11, a perfect day to test out the pool.

I hunted through my drawers for a bikini, and found my black string one, and then hot pink athletic shorts over it. I gathered my hair into a high pony, slipped on my aviators, grabbed my pool bag and headed out. My mom stopped me in the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie! Sleep well? Dad's at work." She said.

"Morning, I slept okay. Neighbors kept me up though. Did you and dad have fun last night?" I asked.

"We did! The people around here are very friendly, and downtown is so quaint!" She said, enthusiastically. "I'm headed out to the grocery store to pick up some things, I'll be back in about an hour okay?"

"Bye, mom!" I called on my way out to the pool. I missed the beach, but at least i had somewhere to swim. Maybe there was a lake around here somewhere?

I laid out my stuff on a deck chair and turned on my I-Home. "Beautiful Monster" by Ne-Yo played, reminding me of the dance routine I had choreographed to it for my team. Too bad they'd never see it, I frowned. The song continued, and before I knew it, my foot was tapping, then my hips shaking, then I was doing the whole routine around the pool deck. I did a triple pirouette at the end, crashing into something. I nearly fell backwards into the pool when that something caught me. I looked up, out of breath from dancing and fear, into Kane's soft brown eyes. Part of me wondered what he was doing in my yard, but part of me told me to shut that part up, so I did.

"So New Girl can dance, no wonder your body's rockin'." He said.

I decided to let the perverted comment slide and asked, "So my name's New Girl now, huh? I think you could come up with something better."

"You ran from me last night without giving a name, so yeah we're going with New Girl. Unless you'd like to tell me your real name?" He asked, curiosity and something else glinting in his eyes. He slipped his arms from holding mine down to my waist, sending shivers through my body.

"How about I tell you if you can catch me?" I said, cocking my head flirtatiously to one side, slipping out of his arms, and dancing away. How did he bring this side out of me? I wasn't flirty, I was up-front.

"You're going down, New Girl!" Kane called. His voice sounded so carefree, much happier than he had last night around that blonde... Clarissa I thought he called her.

I ran down towards the river bank, and threw a look over my shoulder to see if he was following me. But Kane was nowhere in sight. I stopped on the shore, and turned around to look for him. Just then, I heard rustling over my shoulder, and whipped around, prepared to fight whatever it was. Who knows, out here it could have been anything! Instead of a wild animal or some serial killer, Kane popped out of some brush, a sly grin plastered on his face. He grabbed my arm and said, "Gotcha. Now, tell me your name, New Girl."

"But, when, how, what?" I stammered. "You were right behind me a minute ago!"

"I've lived here all my life, I know shortcuts." He said, giving me a playful wink.

"Baylee. Baylee Thompson." I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake it. Instead, he grabbed it and pulled me into a hug.

"Nice to meet you Baylee. I'm Kane Wangler, star quarterback for Lamont High, and I give hugs, not handshakes." Kane said, laughing, making my body shake in his grip.

"Someones full of their selves." I said against his chest, before pushing away. Part of me wanted to stay like that in his arms for hours, but he probably didn't feel the same. How could he want the new girl in town? Besides, he already had that clingy blonde, didn't he?

We spent a couple hours out by the pool getting to know eachother. It was great, until his back door opened and out walked the blonde from last night in a skimpy hot pink bikini and heels. Honestly, who wore heels with a bikini? This girl just seemed bitchy, no doubt about it.

"Kane honey! Your mom told me you were out here, but she didn't say you were with a friend!" She cooed sweetly. Almost too sweet, she seemed fake.

"Hey, Clarissa. Baylee, Clarissa. Clarissa, Baylee." Kane said, introducing us. "Clarissa is--"

"His girlfriend." Clarissa cut him off, plopping down on his lap and kissing him.

"Ahem!" I coughed, and Clarissa sent me a glare that I'm sure Kane didn't catch.

"So baby, what are we doing today?" She asked, running her hand up and down his chest, staring daggers at me.

"You mean you're staying?" Kane asked, frowning.

"Of course!" She squealed, and jumped off him getting situated in the chair beside him. Today was going to be a lot longer than I thought.


Yay! Chapter 2! Please comment and vote, all that stuff! Chapter three will be up soon, as long as you comment, vote, and read (:

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