Chapter Seven

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Holy two chapters in one day! I couldn't resist, I've got the plot outline sitting on my lap and was adding to it, and I just had to get going! I can't wait for you all to figure out what happens in the next chapters... some major controversy, realizations, and I'm introducing some new characters as the school year is going to be beginning,  probably next chapter. Love you guys!


Clarissa's P.O.V

Today was the day of my first check up for the baby. I'd texted Sean the week before, asking him if he'd come in. For whatever reason, he couldn't come in, so that left me to go by myself. not even my closest of friends knew about the pregnancy yet. I'd been staring at myself in the mirror for over five minutes, keys in hand, wondering how I'd screwed over my whole life with one silly night out. I didn't even love Sean. He just.... tricked me. Then again, i wasn't overly intoxicated.

I glanced at the clock over my shoulder, it read one o'clock. My appointment was scheduled for one thirty, I was going to be late, but I couldn't seem to move any faster than one mile per hour.

I finally made it down to the garage, and got in the driver's seat. Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in the waiting room.

"Miss Wyatt?" A friendly looking nurse with smile lines and pink scrubs asked.

"Y-yes?" I choked out, realizing I hadn't uttered a word for the past hour.

"Dr. Hibdin is ready for you dear. Come with me." She said with a motherly smile. I wondered if she saw a lot of pregnant teens come through these doors.

The nurse led me down a long hall to a room at the end. It was small, bright, and made me slightly nauseous. Or maybe that was just the baby. The smiley nurse left and five minutes later Dr. Hibdin came in.

"Hello, Clarissa! I'm Dr. Hibdin, and I'll be delivering your baby when he, or she, is due." He said smiling. Why the hell was everyone so smiley around here? Teen pregnancy wasn't exactly a happy thing.

"Hello, Doc."

"Today we're going to be doing an ultrasound to check up on the baby, see if we can hear a heartbeat."

I nodded nervously at him as he put the warm gel on my stomach, and turned on the ultrasound machine. I turned my head toward the monitor, but couldn't make out any of the gray and black mass on the screen.

"Oh, what have we here?" Dr. Hibdin questioned ,and my heart sped up a bit. Was there something wrong with my baby?

"What is it, Doc? Is something wrong?"

"On the contrary. It seems like you're going to be doing double the diaper duty Miss Wyatt!"

My eyes widened as I tried to grasp what he was saying. "Wh-what?"

"Congratulations, you're having twins!" He said brightly as the sound of two distinct hearbeats reached my ears. Twins?


Baylee's P.O.V

"Baylee Shea Thompson! Get your rear in gear!" My mom yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. "IT'S TRYOUT DAY!"

For some reason, Lamont High held it's fall sports tryouts the day before school started. The only  team I wanted to try out for was volleyball this year. Dancing just didn't see the same without my old team.

"Imma commin' ma! Yeesh!"

I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, I was out of the shower and getting into my car, dressed in my spandex and Lamont tee-shirt.


Four hours later I was pulling back into my garage. I walked into the house and threw my gym bag on the floor in the hall.

"Hey cookie, how were tryouts?" My dad asked me, using his favorite nickname. I was addicted to the things, and the nickname had stuck ever since I was five.

"I.... I didn't make it, Dad." I frowned and he opened his arms for a hug, which I gladly accepted. "I did all the drills just fine, I don't know why I didn't make it."

"You just weren't it for them. There's always next year. Or, you could maybe go try that dance team downtown?" He tried, but was silenced and turned away to his office with my look. There was no way I was going to dance here. Not now, not ever. It wasn't the same.

I needed to clear my mind, so I ran upstairs, threw on my aqua bikini, and ran out to the pool, diving in, letting the water crash over me and was my problems away. I stayed under as long as I could before surfacing and climbing atop a raft. I looked up at the perfectly fluffy clouds and wondered what my friends were doing back home.

"Hey! Mind if I join you?" An unfamiliar voice called from across the fence, dragging me out of my despair.

I looked up to see a tall, tanned, brown haired girl leaning over my fence dressed in a bikini, with a towel slung over her shoulder.

"Oh, sure. Yeah that's fine."

"I'm Chloe, by the way, Chloe Wangler. I live next door." She said, dragging a raft up next to mine. Wangler? Next door? Kane had a sister?

"So you're Kane's--"

"Older sister yeah. He's a junior, I'm a senior. He plays football, and I dance."

Did she just say dance? I couldn't help but get excited. Maybe, just maybe, she'd convince me to dance again.

"You dance? Me too! Well, I used to. Not since I moved here."

"What's wrong with dancing here? We have one of the best dance companies in the south right downtown! The studio's called E-Town Elite." She said, and I nearly fell off my raft.

"What! E-Town Elite?! That's like the fourth best dance studio in the country!"

"You should totally come dance with us sometime. We're looking for one more dancer, auditions are next week. If you're any good, I'll put you on, I'm captain."

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and floating around the pool on rafts. I had a feeling we were going to be really good friends, and I was planning to audition for the dance team next week. Maybe this town wasn't a loss after all.


Yay for Baylee making a friend! Comment, vote, that good stuff!

xoxo RoseyFuture

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