Chapter Eight

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Hey everyone! It's been a few days since I've uploaded, I know, been a little busy with the Holidays coming up so fast. Hardly had anything done! This weekend I won't be able to upload, I'll try and get you guys the next chap. on Monday. Happy Holidays and happy reading everyone! [:


Kane's P.O.V

"Man no way. Baylee Thompson? The new girl?" Zach asked, as we watched the game on TV. He was the closest thing I had to a brother, ever since my family moved here from Australia when I was five.

"I'm serious! We went out last night, and it I had a really awesome time with her. She's so funny and carefree."

"And hot."

I looked at him for a second before saying, "Yeah, she is pretty smokin'. She danced for like, eight years or something before she moved here."

"Whaddabout Clarissa? You and her cool?" Zach asked, obviously tuning me out after 'she is pretty smokin'.

I didn't know how to answer his question. It felt like I should be saying no, something was wrong. But I didn't know what it was, so I just gave him a nod, and we went back to watching the game.


My alarm began screeching at seven AM the next day. My summer, was officially over. I hit the snooze button, and drifted back into sleep. But not for long.

"Kane Oliver Wangler, if your butt is not in one of these chairs eating breakfast in the next two minutes, I'm getting the Mom-Alarm out!" My mother bellowed, and my eyes popped open. The "Mom-Alarm" as she loved to call it was her way of getting my sister and I up if we didn't listen to the alarm in our room. It was only a really loud bullhorn that she would tape down and throw in our rooms, but it gave me a headache for the rest of the day.

I ran down the stairs and was in my seat at the table shoveling cereal into my mouth withing a minute.

"That's my boy." She said, ruffling my hair. "I've gotta head out early this morning, you and your sister get out of the house on time, okay? Love you!"

"Love you too mom." I said through a spoonful of Cheerios.

Half an hour later I was showered, dressed, and ready to go.

"Chloe! TIME TO GO!!" I yelled for her, and she came bounding down the stairs, looking pretty as ever. She had all the guys in her grade drooling over her.

"Bye bye, baby brother." She said in a singsong voice, and ruffled my hair just like my mom did.

I got in my car and pulled out just after Chloe. As I was turning out of the driveway, I saw Baylee just getting into her car, and wondered how many if any classes I'd have with her. The trick would be fending off all the other guys from her. She was like throwing a raw steak to a pack of wolves.

Baylee's P.O.V

My first day at Lamont High, and I had no nerves what so ever. It wasn't something strange for me, I'd been performing for years on stage, and the nerves had just gradually gone away over time.

I looked in my mirrior in my bedroom one more time and smoothed out my outfit. I picked out a deep purple loose tank top with a flesh colored cami underneath, my black Sevens skinny jeans, and tan leather cage sandals. A few accessories here and there and I was good to go. My hair was left natural, falling down my back in big waves.

"You're ready, Bay. Get your keys and go." I told myself.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys, turned to go out the front door, but was stopped by a flash.

"Yay! Your first day!" My mom squealed in excitement while my dad smiled at me next to her.

"One more mom, or I'll be late!" I said, and posed as she snapped a picture.

"Good luck today sweetie, we can't wait to hear about it!" My dad said as I gave him a hug.

I rushed out the door and into my car. As I turned out, I realized I was following Kane, and I sped up a bit.

When we reached school, I parked a few spaces away from Kane, and got out my schedule and map. I looked down at where my first class would be as I leaned against my car, a dark blue Audi, when I heard what would be the first of many whistles or comments of my day.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang girl!" A guy with really saggy pants called out as he passed. Guys like that were scum, hitting on defensless girls. I ignored him and started walking in.

When I reached the front doors, I felt an arm drape around my shoulder.

"What's shakin', neighbor?" Kane said, smiling down at me, his brown eyes glowing.

"Just trying to get my bearings and fend off the pervs." I said with a little laugh. "What's your first class?"

"Bio with Kearn. You?"

"Uhhhh..... let's see here...... Algebra with Harleigh."

"Well, they're close. Enough. I'll walk you."

We chatted idly as we walked to first period.

"Here we are miss!" Kane said in a british accent.

I smiled at him and waved him goodbye. I entered the classroom and looked around at my classmates. I smiled when I saw Chloe sitting in the front row, but that was quickly wiped away when I looked around and saw that there were mostly guys in the class. Most of which whose eyes were glued to me, or my body, rather. Someone near the back wolf whistled. Today, was going to be a long day.

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