Chapter 13

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Baylee's POV


I quickly caught up to Austin, matching his stride. We ran in silence for a lap, letting my mind wander... wander to a place I didn't necessarily want it going: Kane. What was that, just now? He seemed so angry that I was having a good time with Austin. There was no way it could be jealousy, not after what had happened last night.

Austin started talking about the football game tomorrow, how the opposing team was a big rival of ours or something like that. Honestly, I never got into football too much, never understood the concept. As we came around the track another time, I could feel Kane's eyes burning into my back.

The bell signaling 10 minutes rang out through the track, and Austin and I cut across the field toward the locker rooms.

"Dang Thompkins, I've never met a girl who could run as much as you. Most girls whine and complain too much. 'Ooh I'm all sweaty, my feet hurt!'" He whined in a high pitched girly voice, making my shoulders shake with laughter. If nothing else, Austin knew how to make me laugh.

"So, Baylee..." He started, "Wouldyouwanttogotoapartywithmetomorrowafterthegame?" His words came out in a rush.

"Whoa, slow down there speed racer. What was that?" I asked.

Austin sighed and looked down, before raising his eyes to meet mine. God he was handsome when he did that.

"Would you want to come to a party with me? Tomorrow, after the game. You know, it'll probably be lame but I have a plus one and--"

"Absolutely!" I chirped. Maybe a party was just the thing I needed to get my mind off of Kane. Besides, what girl could say no to a guy like Austin?

"Really? Wow, I kind of didn't expect you to say yes!" He beamed, elated. "So, should I pick you up at yours around 9?"

"That'd be great, I'll text you the info later."

"Great. I'll like, totes see you later then giiiiiirl!" He proclaimed in his valley girl accent again, sending me into another fit of giggles. Just then I felt Kane's eyes on me again. What was his deal, anyhow?

Austin gave me a quick, although sweaty, hug before going into the guys' locker room. I was just about to open the door to the girls' when I felt a hand on my shoulder. The warm roughness of it immediately gave away his identity.

"Go away, Kane." I growled, shrugging his hand off me. I was nobody's play toy.

"What were you doing with Austin?" He asked, ignoring my request.

"Running, obviously. Look, if there's no further questions your honor, I'd love to go shower off before final period."

"Baylee," He started, something in his eyes changing. Softer, more concerned. "Stay away from him, he's no good for you."

"I can see whoever I feel like seeing, Kane. It's not like I'm taken." I retorted and spun around wrenching the door to the locker room open. I slumped against the door exhaling a deep sigh. A loud slam sounded from next door, followed by a "Damnit!", which sounded a lot like Kane's muffled voice. How had our relationship gotten here?


Final period passed without incident, and thankfully, with no more Kane drama. I quickly packed up all my books when the bell rang, trying to make it to my car and get out of the crowded school. I needed air, some that wasn't over run with boys and drama.

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