Chapter 7

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We all went into the kitchen, and sat down at the island. "Night, are you working for someone else? Someone like Sportsmaster or Lex Luthor?" I was shocked. I stood up from my chair, and paced the room while I talked. "No, I'm not. Meg'ann, you can check, too. Look through my memories. I haven't been doing anything wrong." Aqualad looked at Megan, and she did what I suggested. I could feel her in my mind, poking and prodding through. I felt a pain in my head.

She found my nightmare. I felt her see it all, and she pulled out of my mind with a gasp. I took a step back towards the door, ready to leave if they kicked me out. "Meg'ann, what is it? What did you see?" Connor asked her, and went to take her side. "She, she's clean. But, I, I saw something else. Something terrible. No, awful. I think, I think it was a nightmare. Her nightmare." I was edging closer to the door, but stopped when they looked at me.

Then back at Meg'ann. Now she was crying. "Meg'ann you weren't supposed to see that. It's my burden. I can't, I can't let you know. It's too terrible to even explain. I can't." I walked the rest of the way to the door, and closed it. My eyes betrayed me as tears ran down my face, and Ilet them fall as I made my way to the Zeta Beams.

I'll hurt them, I might kill them if I tell them, oh my God, they'll die if they know, and if Meg'ann tells them... Meg'ann! I reached out towards her. "Night, what, what are you doing? What did that man do to you? What happened?" "It doesn't matter. Please, please don't tell them. I can't have them, or you, die because of what will happen. I'm begging you, don't tell them. Not yet." I let her go, after she promised she wouldn't tell. One problem down, five thousand more to go.

I stepped into the tube, and decided to go to the Watchtower. I know they verified me. As I stepped out, I dried my face with my hands and walked towards the main control room. I ran into Hawkgirl on my way. "Nightwalker! What, what are you doing here? No matter, I'll just take you to Batman. That's who you're looking for, right? Well, come on! Don't make me wait." She prodded me along towards my destination. As we walked in, it announced us, and Batman turned around.

"Nightwalker! What are you dong here? What's wrong?" He walked over to me, and grabbed my arm. "I need to talk. To someone who's good with dealing with nightmares." He made a face, and called Black Canary over. She took me to the debriefing room, and sat me down in one of the comfy chairs.

"Alright, talk. What's wrong?" I thought for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts. "I've been getting nightmares...about Fear. He's, he's threatening me. And the team. He's trying to bait me, and I'm falling for it. Every time." I put my head on the table, and closed my eyes. Oh, God. My headache is coming back, and with it, a wave of nausea. I rubbed my temples.

"Alright, Crystal. I know you can't tell me, but can you try and explain what he's planning, or what you think he's planning? Anything at all?" I thought about it, but my mind started to pound even harder. Again, tears started to run down my face, but before they can reach my nose, they evaporated. They started to run down faster, and evaporate even faster.

My body shook from the pain. "Crystal? Crystal! What's going on? What's happening?" I tried to open my mouth to speak, but my fangs ran through my gums before I could piece words together. "F-Fear. Need-help. Have to l-leave. Somewhere-somewhere safe." Even before I could finish, another wave of pain went through my head, and I felt my body get even warmer.

I was pulled up from the chair, and felt something get put into my ear. I was again put down, but on the floor in another room. "Crystal. Calm down. You'll be alright if you calm down." I tried to talk again. "It-it's not-not me. Fear. It's hi-him." I whispered. I didn't recognize the voice, because my ears were picking up so much noise from around me.

Nightwalker (Young Justice FF) Book 1 In the Night Series TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now