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I shifted uncomfortably in my boots, seeing as Bruce was having a staredown with the computer. He was brooding.

After a few more minutes of me not speaking and waiting, he sighed loudly and turned to face me. I wanted to go upstairs, but I wasn't allowed ever since Bruce took in a girl. He said she wasn't adopted, but just being looked after. Both her parents were dead, like mine. But she has her own apartment she barley visits; must be a safehouse of some sort.

"I need you to stay at the cave for awhile. It's not permanent, but just until I figure out what to do with our guest for the time being. She's going to your school, I'll ask the princapal to assign you as a guide. Be friendly. Pack your things, you're leaving in 20 minutes." He told me, before moving to his suit. I nodded and went through the secret passageway to my room, coming out of the suspiciously child-sized vent and into my room.

I walked to the door and made sure it was locked before packing most of my clothes, a toothbrush, a brush that has no use, extra parts of my uniform, my mask, and other things I ultimately have no use for. Soon enough I had two bags packed and my favorite pillow tucked under my arm.

I listened in the hallway for anything, but only heard music from the room across the hall and water running. She was taking a shower. Good. I quickly unlocked and locked my door, dashing into the hallway and quietly shutting my door, before running all the way to the Batcave. Bruce was already in his uniform, which meant I had to change, too. Great. I quicky did so, and Bruce took my bags, throwing them into the Batmobile. I smiled a bit as I sat shotgun, Bruce sitting in the driver's seat. So I'm old enough to drive a motercycle, but not old enough to drive the Batmobile. Figures.

The hangar doors opened, and as soon as they were wide enough Bruce hit the gas, driving through. I quietly sighed, and looked out the window as the familiar trees and powerlines passed, before we made it onto a deserted road, and it was dark.

The high-beams, instantly sensing the lack of light, quickly flashed on, the bare road being illuminated. Bruce and I barely talked on these kinds of trips; we were better off sitting in silence. I yearned to listen to my music- I haven't heard any since yesterday. I wanted to take my phone out of my belt, but the last time I did I wound up distracted, I was off during battle. It couldn't happen again.

So, I resorted to imagining what the girl across the hall looked like. My mind imagined the deepest brown eyes with blonde hair, but that was expected. Whenever Bruce talked about a girl my age, that's what I thought of.

But I had a feeling she would be different. Why else would Bruce kick me out?


I waved hello to Conner, who was watching static on the tv screen, and made my way over to the kitchen, fist-bumping Wally. When I got to the cave, I changed into my normal attire. Just a hoodie, jeans, and my sunglasses. Stupid rules about not sharing your stupid ID.

"So, what's up? What's with the bags?" Wally asked me, eating a candy bar. Of course he was. "Nothing much, Bats just 'relocated' me from the cave, because some girl is staying there as a 'guest,' so I can't stay, in case she finds out about the Batcave. Not whelming. But, it's better than being kicked out. So, for now, this is my home. Yay." I threw my hands up in the air, then dropped them, letting them hang. Wally gave me a shrug, and moved to see whatever's behind me.

I turned, but only found M'gann talking to Conner about dinner. Right, right. Wally has a thing for her.

I forgot. So now I'm going to tease him about it.

I punched his arm, and he gave me a glare, before moving to talk to her. I shook my head and walked into the Ops room, pulling up the computer. I was bored, and when I'm bored I hack.

I thought of random places, before the Whitehouse's Secret Service popped into my mind. I grinned deviously to myself, before cracking my knuckles and starting.

This was going to be easy.


A month passed before I was finally allowed home again. I was currently in my room finishing up my homework, throwing a ball at the wall and catching it every time I finished a problem. The door slid open, and I saw a form of a bat in my peripheral vision before looking back to my notebook, the inequality staring back at me, begging to be solved. "Robin, pack your things. You're going home."

"Yes!" I shouted, before getting off my bed to start gathering my stuff. The door slid closed, and I was left to pack whatever the heck I brought with me, plus my homework. As soon as that was done, I slid my backpack onto my shoulders, and carried the rest.

My headphones were currently in my ears, Hero playing on repeat. And no, it wasn't pop. It was dubstep. It was Monstercat. And Monstercat is awesome.

I had one out of my ear, so I could hear the outside world. I smiled at the coincidence of it, and slowly made my way to the Ops room, wanting to listen to the whole the song.

I just entered the room as the song ended. I took the other earbud out and put both of them in my pocket, before acknowledging the Bat. I nodded at him, and he took a bag of mine, before stepping into the zeta beam.

I went in after him, ending up in the Batcave. He motioned for me to follow him, after changing into his usual 'house attire.' I followed him into the Great Hall, and stood behind him as we waited for the girl to get home. My 'roommate.'

This was going to be fun.


WELCOME BACK! The youtube vid is the song our little bird was listening to. Yay.


Nightwalker (Young Justice FF) Book 1 In the Night Series TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now