Chapter Seven

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I hope that rain doesn't prevent me from returning to the palace before sundown, Roman thought absentmindedly as Patton insisted he take his cloak. He pulled it off and reluctantly gave it to him. I feel so awkward... sometimes I wish I wasn't the prince.

"Virgil! Go get a drink for your boyfriend please!" Patton said waving his hands he rushed off somewhere, leaving Virgil and Roman standing with equally red faces. The prince smiled in embarrassment as he watched him sputter and stammer over his words as he followed his father.

"Oh my god- Dad! He's not my boyfriend!" he heard him say as he left the room after him. Roman rubbed the back of his neck with a flustered, but fanciful, smile. 

I certainly wish I was, he thought mischievously. I wouldn't mind being able to hold his hand, or kiss him. 

A throat was cleared to Roman's right, making him jump out of his thoughts and turn. He saw another man straightening his glasses as he approached him with a small smile. "Afternoon your Highness," he greeted, extending his hand for him to shake. The prince took it with a smile as he continued to introduce himself. "I'm Logan, Patton's husband and Virgil's stepfather."

"Stepfather, sir?" he echoed in a question.

Logan nodded, withdrawing his hand to explain. "Virgil's mother died during childbirth," he said, making the prince's eyes widen. "I met Patton and have been married to him since Virgil was only eight. He's like a son to me, and I a father to him to my knowledge."

Roman smiled and nodded, earning a small one from Logan as well. "Oh, uh, I should probably clear something up," he started nervously. "I'm, uh... I'm not Virgil's boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm aware," Logan said with a chuckle. "Patton likes to jump to conclusions. However, I'm not great with emotions and romance, but I will tell you this for the future, your Highness: don't fight your feelings."

The prince gave him a puzzled look, but Logan didn't elaborate as he walked toward the kitchen. Meanwhile, Virgil was helping Patton in the kitchen, face bright red as he made a cup of ice water. "What the hell Dad?!" he whisper shouted angrily. "He's not my boyfriend! You're going to freak him out, or disrespect him or something! He's still the prince even if he's in our house!"

"Silly Virgil, so oblivious," Patton said with a giggle, ruffling his son's hair. He let out another protest about how now his hair was messed up. He wanted to look good for Prince Roman, and now his hair looked like he'd been through a tornado.

"Daaaaad!" he whined, pulling at his hair. Patton just smiled at him, shaking his head. He reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Virgil, you need to let on that you like him," Patton told him, earning wide eyes from his son. "I'm serious when I say that I think he likes you."

Virgil sucked in a sharp breath, biting his lip. I wish, he probably thinks I'm weird now, he thought. One of the first things my father said to him after entering my house for the first time was that he was my boyfriend. If I met the king, and he called me his boyfriend, I'd feel so awkward.

"I'm not kidding," Patton said, locking eyes with him. "Virgil, the PRINCE purposely came to see you again, he's in our house! If that's not an indication that he's interested in you, I don't know what is."

The artist boy looked away, internally debating if he was right. Why would the prince come looking for him? Especially after last night... He shook out his head and took the glass of water out to Roman. "Here you are, your Highness," he said smoothly, placing it in front of him.

"If I may request," the prince said, taking the glass in his hand.

"Yes? Anything," Virgil said, prepared to go get him whatever it was he wanted. Roman smiled, raising the glass to his lips.

"That you call me Roman," he said before taking a sip of water. The artist boy's eyes widened as his mouth fell open a little. To be asked by royalty to address them by their first name was not something that happened very often. It left Virgil stuttering, conflicted, and nervous. 

"Y-Your Highness, I couldn't possibly-"

The prince's laugh cut him off, heart catching in his throat as he looked at his smile. He had the ability to silence him with his just a smile. Roman looked at him with that smile as he stopped laughing. "Virgil, you need not be nervous around me."

He frowned with pout as his cheeks warmed. He had noticed that he'd become increasingly nervous around him. Virgil wished he could recapture his flirty confidence from their first meeting, as it seemed to work very well. "I'm not nervous," he lied. "If you want me to call you 'Roman' then that's what I'll call you... on occasion." Roman raised an eyebrow at him, to which Virgil raised one of his back. "It would be improper not to address you as the royalty you are; besides, 'your Highness' suits you."

The prince blushed a little looking away but looking back with his eyes. There had been something on his mind all day, and now he more than ever he wanted to get it off his chest. He took a shaky breath before daring to ask him a question quietly so his fathers wouldn't hear him. "Virgil, uh... could you... meet me tonight?" he said rubbing the back of his head nervously. The artist boy's eyes widened a little as he went on. Was the prince seriously asking him to sneak up to his balcony again? "You know... like last night? Actually, no, not like last night, uh... just- could you meet me tonight?"

Virgil let his signature smirk slip onto his lips, hiding the feeling of a million butterflies filling his stomach. "As you wish, your Highness."

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