Chapter Ten

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Virgil was in the tunnels again, excited nerves charging his footsteps. He was on his way to meet the prince in secret again. He'd been shocked that he even wanted to meet like that again.

He shook away his thoughts and continued through the tunnel, reaching the hatch that lead to the Royal Garden behind the palace. He climbed out, feeling the cool evening air on his skin. A smile slipped onto the artist's face as he snuck to the palace wall. He looked up to see the prince's balcony above him and began to climb, using the ivy and ledges in between the stone bricks as footing. He was careful, but skilled in doing so, having done things similar in not so pleasant situations.

Virgil shook out the thoughts as he hoisted himself onto the railing. He moved to sitting a little ways off from the center and waited. He looked up at the stars and the moon, smiling at the serenity.

Prince Roman had hurriedly returned to his room and immediately went into his grand bathroom after dinner. He finger-combed his hair, despite no needing to, and checked his breath. He was a bundle of nerves as he hurried out to the balcony, stopping frozen in his tracks upon what he saw. Virgil was already there, and he was... singing.

A silent exhale came from the prince as he listened the him sing softly. If Roman wasn't mistaken, it was an old lullaby about love, something he could only think he remembered hearing.

"Love stay strong as the moon to the stars, no matter how far apart we are."
"Love stay true as the stars to the moon, who are never separated, even when the day is new."
"I'll love you until the sky falls."
"My heart will let down its walls."
"So my love please follow through, because I couldn't help but fall for you."

Roman had been approaching the railing slowly to look at the artist boy's face. His eyes fluttered opened to look at the stars, but must've seen the prince in his peripheral vision. He gasped, jumping as his sudden appearance startled him. Virgil panicked a little as he began to lose balance on the railing until Roman quickly snaked his arms around him to catch him.

"Whoa, whoa, it's alright, I've got you," he said with a small smile as Virgil looked at him with wide eyes. His cheeks flushed dark red as he noticed their position.

"W-What- w-why would y-you sneak up on me like that?!" Virgil asked, voice slightly high pitched and shaky.

The prince blushed with a shy and apologetic look. "Sorry, I just, um... I heard you singing," he managed. "You have a beautiful voice."

If it were possible, the artist boy blushed even more. "T-Thanks," he replied, noticing that he had yet to remove his arms from around his waist and back. Roman noticed this as well, also blushing bright red as he quickly removed them.

"Apologies," he said quickly. Virgil shook his head to tell him it was fine, his cheeks still hot from the touch.

"It's fine Princey I appreciate-"

"What did you just call me?"

Virgil stopped dead, confused for a moment until he backtracked his words. His face turned pale and then scarlet as he realized. Roman was staring at the artist boy in pure shock.


"Did you... did you just call me 'Princey'?" he asked, an unreadable expression on his face.

Virgil scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he hid his face. "U-Uh I-I guess I did?" he said. Roman just stared at him. "I'm so sorry! I have no idea where it came from-"

"I love it."

The artist froze, looking at him in shock. "W-What?"

Prince Roman smiled super wide, a light pink blush on his lips as he giggled. Virgil stared even more; the prince was giggling. "I love it!" he exclaimed. "It's so much better than you always calling me 'your Highness'!"

Virgil sighed in relief, having feared he'd made a serious mistake. "Well, don't get used to it, your Highness," he told him as he regained his composure. "If someone catches me calling you 'Princey' I'll probably get some very disapproving looks."

"I think you'd get more than a disapproving look if someone caught you right now though," the prince said with a chuckle. "You really do have a beautiful voice though, Virgil. Perhaps it's your family's 'gift of the arts'."

He blushed shyly in response to the compliment. "I can't believe you heard that..." he muttered, covering his face.

Prince Roman smiled at his shyness, reaching forward to take his hands in his and pull them away from his face. The artist met his eyes with a small gasp. "You have no reason to be embarrassed," he told him gently. "You truly do have a gift."

Virgil smiled, a light pink blush on his cheeks until he remembered who he was with and what they were doing. He looked away, letting his smile fall and causing the prince's to as well. "What are we doing your Highness?" he asked quietly.

"We're- we're..." he didn't truly have answer. All he knew was that he want to see Virgil. He wanted to hear Virgil. He wanted to feel Virgil's hands in his own. He wanted to taste Virgil's lips. He wanted Virgil.

His eyes narrowed with determination as he realized what the artist's stepfather, Logan, had meant. "I'm not fighting my feelings," he said, making Virgil look at him in shock. Before the prince could chicken out, he leaned forward and pressed his lips firmly to the artist boy's. His eyes widened, taking in the fact the prince was kissing him as he moved his lips in response. When they slowly pulled away, Roman looked into his eyes, cheeks flushed from their kiss. They just stared at each other, breathless. As Virgil had a realization of how late it was, he looked down sadly. The prince caught on to what caused that reaction as he realized himself how long in fact they'd been talking. "You have to go, don't you?"

He nodded silently, not meeting his gaze. Prince Roman sighed and reluctantly let go as the artist climbed onto the railing and prepared to leave. "Virgil." Their eyes met. "What are we now?" Roman asked softly. 

Virgil shrugged and smiled, sliding a hand under the prince's cheek as he leaned down to kiss him again. It was short and sweet, but left butterflies dancing in his stomach. When he pulled away, he brushed his nose to Roman's and murmured something before he left. 

"Goodnight, my prince."

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