Waking up

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I was still standing in the middle of a crowd filled with dancing people when I decided to find Cole before I headed home. I figured I could scold him for giving me such a bull shit pill.

I push through the intoxicated bodies and spot one of Cole's clients. Presumably a heroin junky judging on the fact that his hands were shaking up a storm and his veins showed promptly on his arm.

"Have you seen Cole?" I scream over the music

He simply points over to a group of girls sitting at a table and in the middle sits C's mop of blue hair.

"Cole you bastard all this crap did was make me go blind and deaf" I slam my hand on the table catching the attention of the girls, who now have an annoyed look on their face.

"Oh I'm sorry ladies was I interrupting something" I hiss through gritted teeth

They let out a few sighs and groans and exit the table.

"It was good though wasn't it" he says with a cheeky grin

"No. I crashed into a guy near the bar, could have nearly broken my leg."

"But it made you forget didn't it. You weren't thinking about all the bad shit while it was happening wernt ya?"

I hesitate. he was right the whole time I was in the dark facade the only thing I ever thought about was running.

And those eyes.

"Exactly." he smiles and heads back over to the group of girls.

Although Cole was the closest thing to a friend I had, he was a pig. Going after girls in tight skirts that barley covered there bum. Walking around in high heels pretending to be comfortable. A layer three inches thick of makeup on there faces.

Me, I wasn't exactly like them in the way I looked, or acted.

My pale skin, that only got tan in the summer, had a natural pink to my cheeks and just looked plane weird with makeup on it.

Light carmel hair hung down my back.

Thick eye brows rested on my face.

And my eyes were sea blue with a navy blue ring around the edge. I always wore black jeans with holes on the knees and tank tops of different colors with grey vans.

And I was more of the type to play games. Most of the time Cole would let me help him get new costumers. my job was to makes sure that at the end of the day they wanted the drugs more than me. I would channel there addiction to sex into an addiction to drugs. Sick isn't it. Most of the time it worked out but sometimes they would get so attached to me that they wouldn't care about the drugs anymore. Cole says there is something very alluring about me, and I say he was just drunk.

I slid through people jumping up and down to loud music that had no words and finally came to the door of the club.

"Ef wait!" a familiar voice called from behind me.

I swung around finding that Landon, on of Coles little minions, was only inches from my face, breathing heavy as if he had been running.

"Cole said to give this to you." he held a plastic bag out towards me with only one thing written in sharpie


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