The drug

29 1 0

3 hours earlier

"What the fuck is that?"

I stare down at the circle shaped thing resting in Cole's hand

"Oh bloody hell Effy why don't you trust me when I say it's good. Really good."

Cole was thin with bright blue poorly cut hair. He stood with me in the back of the club his agile figure towering over mine. He didn't look like a drug dealer. Maybe that's why he was never caught.

"What do they even call that?" I jerk my hand towards it and flash a displeased look.

"Its called displeasure" he seemed pretty amused with him self as he placed the pill in my hand.

"Come on babe you can trust me"

Could I?


But I didn't care, I place the thing on my tongue and swallow it dry.

He leans over and places a small plastic bag in my pocket.

"Do me a favor love and hand this off to the lad over there" his long arm extends pointing in the direction of a lean figure at the bar.

I stare up into his black eyes and wait, he just lets out a sigh and slips what I hope to be a 50 in my back pocket.

As I make my way back into the clutter of people I slide the bag down the bar towards the man.

I turn and I'm looking for Cole. But everything's gone quite.

Everybody slowly starts fading away as I'm dragged down into the silence.

It was hot. So hot I could feel the moister on my skin.....

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