First impressions

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"Second days always easier than you first. I promise. And today is a special day for you, I'm letting you sit and watch the 6&7 year olds with Caden." Lana guided me down a long hall talking as we went. Until we stopped in the door way of a purple room filled with small tables and chairs. Coloring tablets lay out across them.

I could see his tall figure, back faced me looking as though he was sorting out some papers

"I'll leave you both to it then" he turned to face me as Lana rushed off. We just watched each other for a moment. My mind filled with the beautiful silence and him. I started to wonder in that instant if anybody els would have tried to catch me in that club. Everybody els would have probably let me fall. I would have let my self fall, but to my surprise he had caught me.

"Do you have any chairs for people that are older than 6?" He scoffed and pushed a black leather chair into a corner on the other side of the room, I walked past the tables to it as small children started to flood the class room. Most of them saying good morning to Caden.

"Good morning class" he leaned his body agents the desk behind him and flashed all the children a cheerful smile.

"We are gonna try something new on the fine morning, we are all going to go around and say something good about are day"

A silence feel over the class

"Alright I guess that means I'll go first." My eyes drifted over to his locking on each other's

"I meet a girl I like today" he spoke with a warmth in his tone not breaking away from my gaze.

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