Dark nights

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Smoke danced in the air, swirling into clouds all around my head.

It was hot even though we were on a roof, my body was laid out on a blanket staring up at the dim light of the moon. Cole laid next to me taking another drag of his cigaret letting the smoke come out slowly covering his face then flying off into the air.

"my dad locked me out last night" coles tone was casual, and it made me sad that it's come to him not caring anymore. Cole and I have know each other for way to long and I love him like a brother, no matter if he gets me in terrible trouble.

"again, why?" I suck in more smoke.

"My grades, not all of us can drop out of school ef" the stars are so bright tonight, even though the breeze comes by often they almost look warm and fuzzy. Or maybe I'm just buzzed.

"What do you wanna do with your life Cole?" The question tumbled out off my mouth with no reason.

"Get a lot of money" he shrugs, I swat at his shoulder and laugh playfully

"I'm serious, what do you want to leave behind when you die. What do you want people to remember you for?" Although he was obviously not putting much thought into his answers I wanted him to be honest.

"I don't know Effy why does it matter so much?" he puts out his cigaret then stands to his feet, adoring a hand for me to accompany him.

"it doesn't, lets just go." It was 10:34 at night and I wanted to get inside a club. We decide on a big black building called "XXIV" I've never been here before but the loud music and harsh smell of alcohol is nothing new to me. Cole and me dance for what feel like hours, are minds going completely blank. Just letting are bodies speak.

"Effy!" I here somebody scream and my are is clasped by a tall man. I didn't have time to see who called me my mind to scattered from the mans sudden harsh actions. His grip on my arm began to tighten as he pulled me through the crowd. Why can't I see his face, who is this person?

When the cold air of the night hits my fave light from a street lamp finale unmasks the unknown man.

As I look into his eyes suddenly his touch feels like it burns. A hand raises and lashes out agents my cheek.

I suck in a sharp breath and run the pads of my fingers over the blow.

"Aww sweetie don't pretend you didn't miss me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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