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by the time i work uo the nerve to go home its 3:00 AM. I woukd have to be up in three hours. I get up and start to walk. I breath in the cold air that made my throught dry. I sniffled and slumped.

As i reached the apartment buliding, i saw that rust bucket was gone and the yelling in the apartment had subsided. So i went to my closet and slept in my school uniform. I really didnt care after the day i had all i wanted was sleep.


I wake up to the same beeping i had for the past sevral days. I rub my eyes and relise i was still in my uniform. I groan at my life decions and slip out of the closet. No bothering with my hair or glasses this morning. As i walk out of my room, I spot axel pouring a mug of coffee. Grab my bag and head out of the door with a slam. I knew he heard it because it opened and shut again and I heard his feet jogging behind me. "El, El please." I was hearing all of what he said but I just kept walking. "El I just wanted to talk." He puts his hand on my sholder. "Don't touch me axe." I say walking off again. "El he didn't mean it." He says I stop axel running into my back. "Who's to say he didn't? Who's to say that you just want to get rid of me so you can stay out and bang chicks all night because you have no other way of coping with what mom did to you, to us. You told me you would never give me up. And yet you seemed to drop your defences pretty easily last night." I say axel opens his mouth "El i didnt know what else to do, you were out of control once under my care, and it seems to be happening again." I laugh at his sorry excuse. "I bet your ass is jealous of all the shit that seems to be coming out of your mouth." I say walking off this time with out axel following me.


I walk to school. I didnt want anything drawing attention to me. As i walk into the buliding, toby and the chick are fighting and everyone seemes ingrossed with it, enough to where i could get to my locker with out being noticed. I couldnt reallt see. Seeing as i didnt grab my glasses from home, but i some how made my way to my locker. Opening it up i get my text books and close it. I swiftly make my way to the latin room, or what i thought was the latin room and take my seat. I put my hood up on my jacket to where it covers my head and i beg for sleep. I beg for something to happen to toby to where he doent come and sit next to me.

By lunch time i was excosted. I close my eyes and lean aginst the tree. I am soon joined by the voice of toby. "Hey." He says. He stood infront of me. His gray green eyes covered by his blonde hair, his hands in his jacket pockets, and his shirt wrinkled. "Angle boy." I say leaning against the trunk of the tree again. "I-i just wanted to say, im sorry. I jumped the gun, you've clearly been through alot of things, and i shouldnt have done what i did, and i am really truely sorry." His words leave me in shock. I blink at him a cupple of times. "Friends?" He holds his hand out to me. I hold my hand parallel to his. "Friends." I say. Toby flashes me a toothy, boy like grin. For the rest of lunch we laugh and joke around by the tree. I smile. And it was a guine smile. My first one in a long time.


As i walked in to the apartment, i see that axel was on the couch. I turn around to walk out fi the door. "Elliott." He says. I scoff. "Axel." I say back to him, now leaning on the door frame. "I just wanted to say that what ever happens, i love you." He says. I give him a what-did-you-do look. "You sure about that big brother?" I say. His eyes flashed a look of hurt. "Even if im not biologically your brother-" i cut him off. "Oh so now your going on technical terms, now that were here why dont you just say it. Mom had you before my dad, and never told him about it. In fact, she had a whole other family that she never told him about. Then she managed to keep you hiden for 15 god damn years, treating you like a king, and me, jazz, and dad, oh we were just some punching bags right axel?" I say in a hurt tone. Memories of my mother hitting me, yelling at me, and locking me in the basment came flooding to me. "God its no wonder jazz jumped." He mumbled. "Wich was my fault right?" I say. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Save your tears, your flatery, i know they aren't real." I say turning and going down the steps.

My heart broke knowing he didnt follow me.

You guys?!!! We have reached 100 READS OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!! This book has been up for like two weeks! To firckidy frackidy WEEKS!! I'm fucking shaking guys!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!! 907 words - this A/N stay very wild moon child ❤️

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