Chapter 1: Surprise

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A/N: Hi there, here is as promised and asked many times. The Sequel to Seduction, note if you haven't read it please go read it before reading this, and please leave comments and vote. Enjoy my loves!

One year later...

Wow, it has been one year since I had my baby girl and a year after I fell dangerously in love with my boss. Everything is perfect.

My baby girl is trying to walk.

My fiancée is on tour promoting his new album named 24K Magic and is doing very well with his music and I am very proud of him.

I was promoted to be his personal assistant and Ryan was in charged of the entire Band which was a big promotion for him. It wasn't hard being a personal assistant, a mom, and a fiancée because I took our daughter with us on tour and whenever he had a show she was with her nanny but other than that she was with me or her father.

He loves her so much and it makes me smile at the bond them two have. I also know he going to be happy because I have found out I was pregnant a week ago. I haven't said anything because of the tour but the only people who knew were Rosie and Presley.

Tayla...we haven't really talked much even since Leilani was born because of how Bruno and I were happy in our relationship even though we met in an unconditional way. But, she choose to stay out of my life which was fine but Tom was nice enough to let me have my niece and nephew when I wanted to see them.

"Bells", I hear from the other side of Bruno's dressing room

"Who is it?", I asked

I was breast feeding Leilani at the moment so I wanted to make sure it was Bruno before I covered her up.

"Who else?"

"Come in", I say, not bothering to cover her up

He opens and peeks through the door. Once he notices I am feeding her he comes in quickly and closes the door. He walks towards me and pecks my lips before sitting beside me.

"How is my girl?", He asks

I smiled and looked down at our daughter. "Greedy", I cooed

"when are you taking her off the boob?", He asks

I took her off and handed her to him so she can be burped. I fixed my shirt and sat back getting comfortable.

"maybe in a few months once she starts gettinguse to baby food and formula", I say

He begins to burp her."Mhmm, so how many shows do I have before we can go home?", He asks

I chuckled, "Tonight is the last show and we can go home", I assured

Leilani burps loudly and slowly begins to go to sleep.

"She gets that from you, you know", I laugh

"don't be mad that you don't have the ability to eat then fall asleep", he laughs as he begins to rock her back and forth

"what a dick", I laughed

He gets up and lays her in her traveling bassinet and puts a pacifier in her mouth.

"Um, so"

Before he can say anything the band member all came in and the security guard closed the door and locked it behind him.

"What the fuck is going on?", Bruno asks

"a stay in place they have someone they suspect to have a gun in the arena. They don't want us to go out there until they have been caught", He says

"ugh", I groan

"calm down we wont be here for months just a couple of hours", Eric says

"well, lets hope not because they'll be another person in this room", I mumbled

It became silent and I looked up at the guys who were staring at me. I felt myself blush when I realized what I said.

"what?", Phil says

"um, I didn't want to say anything until the tour was over...but, Im pregnant", I say while laughing nervously

They then started cheering and clapping which woke up Leilani. She didn't fuss she just looked around at us while Bruno came up to me and gave me a huge hug and kiss.

"how far along are you?", he asks

"only 12 weeks", I answer

He touches my stomach with a huge smile on his face.

"another little Bruno!", Eric yells

The door open and a security graud peeked in.

"you guys you're all set the show is on in five", he says

The guys leave the room while cheering excitedly but Bruno stayed. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck.

"I am so happy", I say

He chuckles and kisses my nose. "I am glad you are"

He facial expression changes and he sighs.

"I gotta go okay", he says

I nodded and watched him leave. I go over to Leilani who went back to sleep and I smiled.

"alright its show time", I sighed

I put my headset on and grabbed my baby monitor and left the room. As I was walking towards the stage the nanny had just arrived. I gesture towards the room and continued my way to the stage.

The lights were dimmed already and there were screaming from the crowd already.

"Manhattan make some noise!", Phil yelled

Then the show had started.

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