Chapter 26: He isn't him

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I was cut off by his lips smashed onto mine. I pushed him away with tears in my eyes and shaking my head.

"that isn't going to work this time Bruno", I sniffed

"I wasn't saying me kissing you was going to fix everything. I am just reminding you that you will always have my heart and I will wait for you...until your heart stops beating", He sighs

He kisses Aiden's head and goes over to Addison's carrier, takes her out, and kisses her head. He lays her back in the carrier before leaving.

"I will be back later, to see them and I will be driving you home", He sighs

I just nod, he leaves while closing the door, and I just broke out in tears. I hug my son closer to my chest trying to get the comfort that I needed...wanted.

Later that night...

The twins were in the N.I.C.U for the night so they can be watched closely just in case for any complications. I was in my room eating Spaghetti and meatballs that Rosie brought for me an hour ago while watching TV.

There's a light knock on the door.

"Come in", I say as I sit up

My mother walks in with flowers and balloons.

"hey mom", I smiled

"Hey, sweetie", She smiles as she sets everything down

She walks up to me and hugs me tightly then sits down.

"Where is my Son in law?", she smiles

I bite my lip and turn away.

"What?", She asks

I forgot to fill her in on what was going on.

"Me and him aren't together", I say

She gasps. "Why, was it Jessica?"

I shake my head.

"Words was said that can't be taken back so we broke up"

She sighs

"You were always so hard hearted. What did he say?", She asks

"I should be a single mom. We got into an argument about his ex saying shit and announcing that we were having twins and he thought I was going around saying that when I wasn't", I said

"Baby, he probably didn't mean it he was full of rage so what do you think was going to happen?", She asks

"Don't protect him. He said and he meant it so I will take it as a sign", I say

"bella, this man loves you so much. He wouldn't have choose you if he thought otherwise and I hate to say this but he wouldn't have had that affair with you if he didn't want you. He wants to be with you and raise your kids together."

I shake my head. "I think this is the end of Bruno and Bella. He looked for a way out and he found it. He is better off without me as his lover and maybe his assistant", I sighed

I take the call light and press it. I knew she wanted to see the twins.

"you will come around. I know there isn't anyone out there that will love you like Bruno and wont try to give you the world."

The door opens and of course Bruno had to walk in.

"Hey, my beautiful mother in law", Bruno says with a smile

That damn beautiful smile.

"Hello, Bruno"

They hug and he kisses her cheek.

He looks at me but I turn away and play with my food.

"what are you doing here?", She asks

"I was gonna stay the night with her so she wouldn't be alone to fend for the twins...but that is if she would let me stay"

I shrugged my shoulders. I hear the door open and I hear a baby crying, the nurse hands me Addison who was crying, and my mother Aiden. I begin to breastfeed Addison which quieted her.

"They are beautiful", she says

"Thank you", Bruno and I say at the same time

It became quiet and a bit awkward.

"how is your other son?"

"he is okay", Bruno answers

"where's Leilani?"

"I don't know I haven't seen her in a few days", Bruno says

"Rosie dropped her off with Jaime this weekend because Bernie is in town", I answer

"Why a few days Bruno?" She looks at me with a stern look. "I hope you aren't keeping her from him"

I shook my head.

"He gets her on the weekends", I answer while taking Addison off me.

Bruno takes her from me and I fix myself

"listen you two I only know what Bella told me but this has to stop. Bruno I know you didn't mean what you said and Bella I know you miss your house-"

"Nope, I don't even want to get into it...the only thing I want is for her to be at home with me where I can help her with the kids. I don't care if its separate rooms I want my kids growing up in one roof not separate ones", He says

"Okay so we can argue all the time?", I asked

"Bella cut the shit now you are making excuses", She snaps

"and you are picking sides now?", I spit

"Watch your mouth, you are afraid of commitment ever since that fucking dipshit of a boyfriend before Bruno. Bruno isn't going anywhere he can't anyways you have children so your stuck with him forever. He isn't going to hurt you emotionally or verbally so get it out of your mind."

I felt the tears form in my eyes. I felt arms then embrace me.

"He isn't Jacob", She whispers

Jacob was the worst person in the world. He made me fall madly in love with him, then was cheating on me and blamed me for it, and this lasted for 2 years. I was dumb enough to keep going back to him because I was in love with the idea of us. I had an abortion because I wasn't ready to be a mother and couldn't bear to bring a child into a world with negativity and hurt.

After Jacob I was single for god knows how long because I couldn't bear to go through it again.

"I let you guys be alone for a few I will be back shortly", She says

The door closes and I just sit there fiddling with my fingers while the tears come down. I felt the bed shift and larger arms embrace me.

I began to cry harder and I pulled him closer to me as I was getting his shirt soaked.

"I am Sorry", I sniffed

"No, I am the one who is sorry"

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