Chapter 23: Is this the end?

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I drove all the home and was so glad to be home. I take Leilani out of her car seat and went inside, Bruno immediately embraces me.

"Hey", I sighed

"Hey", He says and takes Leilani into his arm

I went to the couch and laid down. I was so exhausted and I wasn't even on my feet for that long, but it may have been from the Papz, and that bitch of a woman that I didn't even know. Bruno comes in and sits at my feet, takes my shoes off, and begin to rub my feet.

Which felt so good.

"Bella, wake the fuck up"

I opened my eyes, I look at the time and saw it was 9, I hadn't noticed I fell asleep, but why the hell was he yelling at me. He must not know how crazy I can get.

"Who the fuck are you talking to ?", I yawned

He put his phone to my face and it was a article post.

Breaking News!

Singer and Grammy award winner Bruno Mars and fiancée Isabella Samuels are expecting baby number two and three. That's right Hooligans they are expecting twins.

A source says that "They are more than happy to be expecting twins into the world" and another source says "it will be a girl and a boy"

I stopped reading and I looked at him with wide eyed. That bitch probably said something.

"Why, I thought we had an agreement?", He yells

"First off watch your mouth and second, I didn't say shit", I say as a sat up

"Stop, I knew you would do some shit like this you have been acting weird these past couple of weeks", He spits

"Are you really serious you think I would lie to you? We both had an agreement and we concluded to not say anything and I haven't" I yelled

"Whatever Bella", he says and walks away

I stood up and walked to my room and began to pack some clothes. As I did I hear the door open and footsteps approach me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He spits

"I will not stay here with you because of this, out of all the rumors in the world you believe this one stupid one. I didn't say shit about our children and this is how you treat me? No, I am leaving and I am taking my daughter with me as well", I yelled

"no you are not", he spits

"What are you going to do? Huh, you believe that I said something about our twins and I clearly didn't.", I say

"Fine, go ahead go be a single mom", He yells

I looked at him with wide eyes and he had a blank look on his face. I felt the tears in my eyes form and I chuckled.

I walked up to him slowly.

"I always knew you didn't want me. In the back of my mind I always knew you were trying to find a way out and now you did. Be a single mom, fine I will be a single mom I don't need a fucking man like you who says shit like that"

I take my...his engagement ring off my finger and threw it at your feet.

"Fuck you and go start a new life with your other baby mother...or maybe you ex-girlfriend Porsha", I said in a cracked voice.

I turned away from him and continued packing my stuff, I put my stuff in my car, and then went to Leilani's room and packed a shit whole of stuff for her. Once I got that done I put her stuff in the car and got her ready to leave.

"Where are you gonna go?", I hear him

"None of your fucking business. I will Bring her to you every weekend", I mumbled as I strapped her into her seat.

I go to the driver side of the car and looked at this asshole.

"You did this shit to yourself. You looked for a way out and you found it", I say

I get into the car and left this house.

Into the world of being alone like I was two years ago.

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