Versus The Tech Army

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(Btw Marcus's name changed to Zachary)

Veronica's POV

Zachary has become slightly obsessive with me. He's texting me every few minutes, wondering where I am. I no longer find him cute, I find him annoying. Besides I have Ryan, I love him and no one else.

"Zachary, for the last time, I'm busy. We can talk later." I sighed into the phone, as I made my way to Mech-X5.

"You said that last time. Are you hiding something from me?" He asked, whining.

I rolled my eyes, "No I'm not, I'm just a busy girl and besides why do you care? We're not dating."

"I know, but we can change that if you want." I could sense a smirk forming in his face.

I pulled the phone away from my face and stuck my tongue out disgusted. I attached my phone to my ear again and responded.

"Have you forgotten I have a boyfriend. I don't like you like that." I informed.

"You mean Ryan? Yeah, okay." He was chuckling with amusement in the other end.

I growled quietly at Zachary.

"Yes, Ryan and I'll have you know, he's a great boyfriend. He's kind, caring, and does a lot more then you will ever do." I obviously couldn't say save the world, but Ryan's more then a hero to me.

"I doubt that." He scoffed.

"Here's an idea, why don't you go back Britain and try to find your dignity? I'm pretty sure it's there somewhere." After that I hung up and stormed off toward the robot.

When I made it to the robot I calmed down and took a deep breath before I greeted the boys, minus Mark.  Harris was working on some sort of drones that follow Ryan around in case he's in danger and they can attack the threat that'a harming him.

I would love one of those, so I can get Zachary off my dang back.

I watched as the drone followed Ryan and he found it cool.

"It's following me where ever I go." Ryan smiled at Harris.

"That's because I added facial recognition software." Harris informed pointing at the screen that had a picture of Ryan's face on it. "Now we can search the city for Grey and Traegar."

"Yeah, what happens when we find'em?" Ryan asked Harris.

"It'll tell us where they are and-- wait for it--" Harris stopped for a moment glancing down. "Oh, heads up." Harris pressed a button and the drone shot a laser at Ryan, but luckily he dodged it.

I smiled at the drone. That's awesome!

"Stun blast. I get it! I get it!" Ryan told him, slightly frightened.

I chuckled at Ryan.

"Okay, what happens if Traegar destroys the drone?" Spyder questioned Harris. "I mean, he threw the robot like a rag doll and knocked Veronica out."

"Okay." Ryan chimed in.

"Hey." I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at Spyder.

"There was nothing these two could do to stop it." Spyder chuckled in amusement.

I whacked Spyder's arm, annoyed with him.

"We were there." Ryan and I told him simultaneously.

Suddenly Harris had a bat in his hand and completely demolished the drone, making a tiny explosion happen. Ryan, Spyder and I shielded ourselves from Harris's attack.

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