Versus Harris and Veronica

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Veronica's POV

I was sitting on the couch at home with Ryan and Mark. The two brothers are still not getting along and it's bugging me. Personally, I'm not too upset with Mark. He did something stupid but it did help us find the location of where Traeger and Zelda are.

Mark was sitting on one side of the couch, tossing a baseball into the air. Ryan and I were sitting on the opposite side and Ryan was occasionally giving Mark glares. Ryan had his arm resting on the couch and was twirling a strand of my hair with his finger while my head rested on his shoulder. We were waiting for Veracity to tell us she found exactly where Harris and Evil Veronica were located.

"You three finished cleaning up in here?" Grace asked us, walking in. The living room was a mess, but neither of us had started cleaning up. "Haven't even started."

Grace noticed the tension between the two brothers. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Ryan replied.

"Yep," Mark added.

I didn't respond. Too much on my mind.

"Veronica?" Grace asked me and I turned my head to her.

"We're fine," I replied and twiddled with Ryans' free hand.

"You sure? Nothing wrong at school... and the robot?" Grace questioned, concerned.

I sighed and turned to Grace. "Nope, it's all good, Grace. We're good."

Grace glanced at her two kids and nodded. "Okay, but I want all of this put-away." She gestured to the mess and left the house.

Mine and Ryans' Mech-Links beeped and Veracity's voice was heard.

"Ryan, Veronica, I think I found a possible location in the data core he found at Harper's." She informed and Ryan and I immediately rose to our feet.

"Veracity found Harris," Ryan stated and turned to his brother. "So."

"So, what?" Mark asked.

Ryan scoffed. "You're not gonna say it?"

"Say what?" Mark questioned.

"That you made a mistake about Harris," Ryan told him. "That you're sorry for doing something so idiotic."

Mark stood up to protest. "You're the one being idiotic. I made the right decision and I'd do it again!"

"You could've gotten Harris hurt or worse!" Ryan reasoned.

"And you wouldn't take that chance?!" Mark asked. "Even if it meant saving the world?"

"No!" Ryan exclaimed. I gripped Ryan's hand and it calmed him down. "Never."

"It's too bad. Because a leader would." Mark mentioned. The boys stared at each other intensely until Ryan chuckled.

"You know what? Fine. We're gonna go to South America, stop Traeger and Zelda, get Veronica back to normal, and save Harris." Ryan explained. "Without you."

Ryan turned away and pulled me toward the door.

"Fine and you're welcome," Mark said and we both turned to him

"For?" Ryan asked.

"If it weren't for me you would have no idea where they went." Mark reasoned, sitting on the couch.

"I'll mention that to Harris; if he's still alive," Ryan told his brother before we left.


I super sped Ryan and I to the robot and walked inside the control center. We found Veracity checking the location of the data core and Spyder was licking an ice cream cone. My stomach was more interested in the ice cream but my brain disagrees.

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