(1) First Day Of School

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Hey this is my first werewolf book so don't be too harsh on me in the comment

Made it myself so tell me what u think

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   Emilia, was a small  girl with curves in all the right places, her hair was white due to her mother, she had long eyelashes and big bold grey eyes that you can get lost in, she was shy, smart and unaware of her own beauty, oh and one more thing she was a werewolf from the crimson moon pack. 

Getting to  school was really difficult for Emilia, all because she was new to town with no parents, no car  as yet, her uncle was still making the arrangements and no sense of direction to her new school and being the shy girl that she is she glanced at person passing by as she sat at the bus stop, right below her apartment, too shy to ask for direction. 

  She was trying to built up enough courage when a girl dressed in ripped jeans, a large sweater and red and white converse sat next to her. " Hi." The girl smiled at her and then held out her hands.

   "Hello," whispered Emilia, cause the girl to lean in closer, "Um what school do you go to?" She asked a little bit louder, not liking the closeness of the girl.

    "Oh, um Green's Crove high, what about you?" The girl kept the smile on her face the whole time as though she sensed Emilia's shyness. " My name is Rose by the way." She stuck out her hand which Emilia hesitantly took.

    "Emilia Black.... I'm also attending Green's Crove, but I'm new and I don't know where it is." She said a bit ashamed.

     "Don't worry, I can show you now.. we're friends right." Rose shifted her bag on her shoulder as the bus came around the corner.

    "Friends...." Emilia gave a small smiled at the realization that she has now found her first friend.

      The bus stopped for the girls  and a few other persons, they sat at the back row, as they sat down Rose turn to Emilia with a slight frown.

     "Em, where you from though," she asked still smiling sweetly.

      "I'm from California,  but my parents passed away so I moved up here with my uncle but I live alone cause my uncle don't have space in his house, its already full so he bought me an apartment." Emilia spoke softly the entire time, but Rose seemed to her everything she said.

     "I'm sorry for you losses." She said hugging Emilia catching her by surprise. "I love your hair, where did you find white hair dye?"

     "Thank you, Rose." She gave a half smile and the rest of the ride was quiet. "Oh it's my natural hair."

   "That's amazing, I've never met a girl with natural white hair before." She laughed and Emilia joined in.

    Reaching the school bus stop the girls had to walk the rest of the way, as they arrived at the school entrance, Rose showed her where the registration office.

    "Good morning Ms.Morgan." The stout, short, woman with glasses and brunette hair smiled up as them as they entered. "And who may this be."

    "Her name is Emilia... she's new hair." Rose leaned over the desk in front of them.

    "Oh miss Black, welcome to Green's Clove, I notice you were pushed up in some of your classes, you must be very bright." She give Emilia a warm, and handing her a map of the school, her schedule, her locker combination and a new pair of P.E clothes. "Enjoy your day Ms. Black, you as well Ms.Morgan."

     "Thank you." She  said as she took the stuff from the woman. 

    "You too Ms. Peters." Rose waved as they walked off. "Let me see what you got first," taking the schedule, she frowned slightly, "you're pushed up for four of your classes, so we only have one together and that's after lunch." Her frown deepened. "Why you gotta be so smart," she bumped Emilia playfully as they reached her locker.

    Waiting for her to place her stuff in her locker, Rose went to her's on the opposite side of Emilia's.

    "Lets go, so I can show you your class and get to mine.. first on your list was chemistry," she looked at Emilia, " who in God's name gets put up in chemistry.. I barely passed my exam last year." She pouted.

   "I like chemistry, its fun... I will help you if you want.: She offered shyly.

   "Really, that would be so awesome.. Thanks Em," She threw her hands over Emilia's shoulder as they walk down the hall. "I'll see you after class okay." She said as they reached the door. "Just wait right her for me.

   "I will, bye Rose." She waved and headed in the class room, a growl hit her ears as she entered causing her to glance around, to meet several females glaring at her, being the shy girl that she is Emilia swiftly turn around to the teacher and gave him her paper. 

   "Ms.Black, have a seat by one of the empty tables." He smiled apologetically to her.

   She return the smile and headed to the first empty seat that she saw, as she sat down she could hear the girls, laughing at her and one whispered. 'Wait till he gets her, she better find a different seat if she knew whats good her. They continued to glare and laugh at her so she blocked them out and paid attention to the teacher as he continued with his lesson.

  The door was was then thrust open again and a hit scent hit Emilia's nose causing her head to snap up, as five boys walked in, the scent of oak and cinnamon hit her nose.. her eyes glanced at each of the guys only to find one staring right back at her, his eyes dark as coals, the girls behind her started to giggle again, but Emilia couldn't take her eyes off him.

    "Mine" He whispered his sharply, causing Emilia to gasp and the boys around him to look at her and then back at the guy. Silence filling the room. Emilia too scared glanced away from the guy only to hear footsteps coming closer to her.

   "Mine.." He said again twisting her in her seat, his eyes growing darker by the minute.......

Well I'm gonna end the chapter here i hope you guys like it, please don't be afraid to tell me what you think

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