{1} Hey we should...

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(Author Note: Turns out writing the other books took a huge part of my scheduling that I can't focus without writing something ever so often so I'm writing another book...

This is a prequel to Catch Me if I Fall in Love and which is a prequel to Love Will Find a Way, so its starts when they're younger than what they were in those books

I mentioned in the other books that Bailey, Kenneth, Will and etc... had gotten in relationships before CMIIFIL so this is just a short story showing how those characters got there and I might even go past LWFAY

I'm not taking this story too seriously...)


The year is 2020 and the dancers you know and love are growing up or are grown up. Wondering how they fair as young adults making a new name for themselves and finding love

Kenneth POV

I'm Kenneth San Jose I'm 18 years old and I'm going to be attending college next fall. I'm still pursuing dancing as I still teach regularly at Urban Ave. and I still occasionally attend dance classes to keep training.

The further I got in high school the less time I had of spending time in dance class with my friends. I still hang out with my best friends like Gabe and Will outside of dance but I miss attending class.

Its finally summertime and is the last time of having pure fun before college. My brother tells me to get a girlfriend as since I'm still pursuing dance I probably won't have the same amount of time to try a romance.

I've dated a few girls before even one of my close friends Tati but nothing ever stuck like some other couples did. Although none of my friends are in a serious long-term relationships, Sean and Kaycee are still dancing around their feelings for each other, Tati is currently dating Gabe but their still new, Julian is trying something with Lexee, while Josh and Will are enjoying being single after getting out of their last relationships.

I decided to let mind relax and do something that will keep me from thinking about this kind of stuff. Then my phone vibrated...

Matt Steffanina

Hey bro I made a cool combo and would enjoy it if you came to class tonight
@ Studio V 8pm

That's perfect timing

I texted Gabe to see if he wanted to come with me and he responded yes he even said he would even invite some of the others to see if they would want to reunite in Matt's class.

Everyone liked Matt and loved taking his class but he was always busy and/or traveling which made taking his class difficult. Even dancers like Tahani simply lived too far away from Studio V to make it convenient for them. And there's plenty of teachers that give a new style that compels them more.

Skip to 8pm @ Studio V

I walk in and I was early as I only see Matt and a few of the dancers I always see take Matt's class. I wave to a few of them as I approached Matt himself

"Good seeing you little bro!" Matt said as he hugged me

"Good seeing you too" I said

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