{4} Age is just a...

347 7 5

Year 2021

Gabe POV

It's been a little over a year since Kenny's and Bailey's first date

They tried a few more dates after Ken acknowledged the small but important age gap

The dates went well but with Ken being in college they agreed to take a break

Just one problem...

"You love Bailey! You love Bailey!" Will teased Kenny

"Shut up they can be here any minute!" Kenny said

Yeah me and Will we're hosting a game night with some of our friends which included Bailey

Ken just got finished saying how none of the girls at his University compares to Bailey. So Will jumped to the conclusion that Ken loves Bailey which Ken hasn't denied

"Dude just ask her out again" I suggested

"I can't!" Ken said

"Why not? She definitely still likes you" Will said

"Because the reason I stopped seeing her was because I said she was too young and she's still only 17" Ken said

"Dude age is just a..."

"A number I know but I just feel weird technically being an adult dating a teenager" Ken said

"You just turn 19 you're technically still a teenager don't worry about it" Will said as he is the oldest and he can look at things with a similar perspective as he has had similar problems as many of his friends he might have been interested in were younger than him like Tati before he started to pursue Zyasia

"Alright so tonight we're probably going to play charades so I'll pair you two up so you can find a way to ask her out" I said

"Dude don't!" He said as the door opened

Josh came in holding some potato chips as he gave us all bro hugs

"What's up?!" Josh said to all of us

"Just trying to get Kenny and Bailey back together"

"Oh cool" Josh said "If you want you can join us at S-Rank rehearsal so you can shoot your shot"

"Oh that's a good idea"

"Stop! I never said I was going to ask her out!!" Kenny said

"Ask who out?" Charlize said with Bailey right next to her with curiosity written on her face

"Why didn't you close the door Josh" Will said

"I came with them, I knew they were right behind me" Josh explained

"So who's the lucky girl Kenny?" Bailey said sitting right next to Kenny

"No one" he said not looking at Bailey focusing on the much more interesting wall

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