{3} Will you're a ...

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about 3 months later

Will POV

We were chilling in my apartment

We as in me Gabe, Charlize, Bailey, and Kenneth

And the plan was now to get me a girlfriend

Apparently me breaking up with Tati after a few weeks is bad...

"I really don't see how we need a plan to get me a girlfriend I'm perfectly capable of getting one myself" I said

"Yeah but you need a good girl!" Ken says

"So you date Bailey for three months and just know what it's like to have a good girl?"

"Yes he does!" Bailey said as she adjusted herself on his lap

"Hey I dated Julie she was nice!"

"Will you cheated on her!" Gabe said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, he's been doing that a lot lately

"Which just proves that nice isn't enough" Charlize said

"Is this an intervention? I don't need an intervention! I'm 21 why can't I just enjoy life!" I said

"You can live life without being a douchebag" Gabe said under his breath


"Will you and Tati didn't even date for a month before you broke up!" Gabe said

"Like I'm the only one that couldn't date Tati here" I said as me Gabe and Ken now have all dated Tati and all dumped her

"Will you literally went on two dates and you lost interest and started talking to other girls when you were still dating" Gabe said

"And she started talking to other guys so I dumped her! so what?!"

"That's not the point!" Ken said

"Then what it is the point!"

"You're being a dick!" Bailey said


"You're constantly sleeping with girls that you have no interest in and making them believe you are, you act like a dick when you're not with just friends and even then you can be a jerk, and it's making all of us look bad too!" Bailey said

"Plus you always seem to ditch us for a one night stand when you're supposed to be with your friends" Charlize said

"You know what?! Fuck all of you and get the hell out of my apartment!"

"Dude I live here too and they can stay" Gabe said taking there side

"Screw this I'm going to my best friend's place!"

Later at Zyasia's place

"Seems like they care about you" Zyasia said to me as she poured me a drink

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