When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 1.5)

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  • Dedicated to My Mom for just being there

When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game by: Faerie_Writer

Chapter 1.5

(Max's point of view)

Things changed for the better that September 18th five years ago. It's amazing how I still remember that date over all the other things I have to remember, but what happened on that day was a life-changing event.

September 18th.

Five years ago, that was the date of a guy friend of mine, Jeremy Hall's party. I was in 6th grade then, not as hot stuff as I am now, but I was getting there. I had dated most girls in my class... most girls except Summer Hills.

For some reason, I felt as though she were off limits to... my kind.

Don't go crazy thinking I'm like a werewolf or a sparkly vampire or something 'cuz I don't do that stuff. I meant my kind as what I was... a player. Summer was the kind of girl who was too innocent for guys like me, I knew it then, and I know it now.

Unfortunately for Summer, our friends didn't.

Because five years ago, today, I asked Summer Hills out.

Allow me to explain.

I went to Jeremy's party with a group of my buds. My friends Ryan, Sam, Victor... they're all like me. All players that is. This was before Yale and Warren joined our group and we were convinced that we needed to show off before our peers.

This was before we realized that people should come to us, before we EVER went to them.

Now being my best friends, and wanting to show off, the guys knew me well. They obviously saw that I was the head player here. The alpha if you will. And since it's practically the Alphas jobs to shuffle along girlfriends every few days, I felt I needed a new girl... and fast. But I didn't know whom to choose. The guys wanted to take charge of the decision. But how?

They decided upon a dare.

I had been chilling with them when it happened. I had looked around at the girls longingly, but I had already been with most of 'em and I didn't want to have to do seconds and stuff until at least after Christmas. That was when the guys decided that it was the perfect time to dare me to ask out Summer Hills.

I had thought they were crazy but they insisted that Summer was just the right type of girl for me at the moment.

"Dudes she doesn't do my type!" I had exclaimed. "Besides... she's to innocent and crud, ya' know? And last time I talked to her she seemed pretty nice, I wouldn't feel good dragging a girl like her into a heartbreak world like ours..."

"Dude she'd be with you, a gift from the Gods to her and her friends. That's like, instant popularity for her, you'd have no reason to feel bad about it." Victor had been quick to assure me.

"Yeah! I mean dude, you're king of the school! She wants you man," Sam had also said trying to get his two cents in. Yeah like that was all that helpful, last time Sam had given me girl advice, I had ended up with a pitcher of water dumped on me.

I'm not saying I was the best dude either. I was new to this whole player business at the time, though I definitely got better through out the years. I'm still not the best overall, but I'm definitely the best in my school. I mean who can resist such alluring charms...

But I'm being full of myself. Again.

Anyways they asked me to ask her out. I didn't want to, because, really, who wants bring an innocent girl like her into a world like mine? It just isn't chivalrous. But since the guys were daring me too, I absolutely couldn't back down... it was a stupid reason, but it was enough.

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