d r o w n

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Joshua sighed as he stepped into the Pub Polaris. The light gray "OPEN" sign flashing in his eyes. His father had dragged him to the bar, so he could drive them home. Joshua was already ready to leave.

Bill Dun, Joshua's father, went right into ordering himself a beer and a Coca-Cola for Joshua. Joshua gratefully took the soda from his father and sipped on it. He went to sit in a corner booth, as far away from everyone as possible. 

Joshua flipped through the menu that was laid on his table, bored out of his mind. His stomach growled loudly, making Joshua chuckle to himself. He read the section for pizzas and decided to order one. On his Father's bill, of course. 

The pizza arrived shortly, the smell making Joshua's mouth water. He decided to take a picture of the pizza and post it to Instagram before touching it.

JoshuaDun: Dad dragged me to Polaris and I just casually ordered pizza

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JoshuaDun: Dad dragged me to Polaris and I just casually ordered pizza. #bored

Joshua posted the picture and took a slice, biting down on it. 

Joshua finished the whole pizza before looking around the bar. He saw drunk old men hitting on some young girls who looked like they were disgusted by the men. Joshua sighed and turned around the booth, facing the small stage. He saw a boy, about his age, plugging chords to a keyboard. He went around the keyboard and played a couple of notes, the speakers increasing the volume.

The boy turned his face towards Joshua, the latter's breath hitching. The boy was stunning; dark gray hair, that indicated that he had dark brown hair, his skin darker shade than Joshua's and just a beautiful face. The boy flashed a smile to Joshua and he could feel his cheeks heat up. He dug his phone from his pocket, messaging his friend Michael.

Joshua Dun: There's a good-looking boy in Polaris.

Michael Gibson: Go hit on him! 

Michael Gibson: Wait, why are you in Polaris? 

Joshua Dun: Dad dragged me here. Please come here I'm so lonely.

Michael Gibson: I'm on my way.

Joshua locked his phone and turned to the stage again, surprised to see the boy sitting at the piano and adjusting the microphone so it was right in front of his mouth. The boy began playing a melody on the piano and Joshua swore his heart skipped a few beats. The pub's loud music faded off, leaving the boy in the spotlight. Joshua could hear the boy take a shaky breath in, before singing a soft tune that Joshua was sure, came from an angel.

"Here I come, come to you, in the very clothes. That I killed, killed you in and now I know, I'm alone." Joshua flinched when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around quickly, holding his chest with his hand.

"Michael! You scared the crap out of me," Joshua laughed. Michael chuckled and slid on the other side of the booth. 

"So is that your lover boy?" Michael asked and pointed at the delicate boy playing the piano. Joshua hid his face in his hands, feeling his cheeks heat up again.

"He's not my lover boy," Joshua sighed. Michael raised his brow and smirked at Joshua.

"But you wish he was," he chuckled. Joshua brushed him off and turned to face the boy. 

"But now the ocean's blacker than black, the sky is too," the boy finished the song. Joshua clapped a little too excitedly, catching the boy's attention. The boy smiled at Joshua and Joshua returned the smile before turning to Michael.

"Josh, your face is all red," Michael chuckled. Joshua glared at Michael. 

"It's unfair you met your soulmate when you were a kid. You can't even remember what it was to not see color," Joshua whined, indicating to Michael's soulmate and childhood friend Caroline. 

"You know I can't really help it that my parents were Caroline's parents' friends. Stop whining." Michael laughed. Joshua pouted and turned around again to face the boy. He had started singing a new song.

"Sing a song but don't believe, Blasphemy is just for me," the boy sang perfectly. Joshua leaned his head on his hand and listened closely to the boy.

"Josh, are you listening to me?" Michael nudged on his sleeve. 

"Hm?" Joshua hummed. He was too busy learning the boy.

"I said that maybe you should meet him after his set," Michael said. Joshua turned around in the booth, looking mortified.

"Michael no. You know how I am with new people. I just start rambling nonsense and I make them uncomfortable," Joshua raised his voice. Michael shot his hands up in defense.

"Okay then. I'll go and talk to him after his set," he smirked. Joshua's eyes went wide and he pulled Michael closer from his collar.

"Don't you dare do that," Joshua hissed. He let go of Michael as he nodded. 

"Well, I have to go. I promised to Caroline that we would binge-watch Supernatural with her tonight. Take care," Michael excused himself. Joshua muttered a bye and waved to him before turning to the boy again. 

"I know where you stand, silent in the trees." Joshua was startled when a hand grabbed his shoulder again. 

"You ready to leave boy?" his father asked him. Joshua sighed and stole one last glance at the boy before nodding. Joshua got up from the booth and walked behind his father. 

"Maybe I'll meet him again one day," Joshua thought as he climbed into the car and drove away.

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