her soft face. her beautiful blue eyes. her magnificent locks of pink, fluffy hair. marceline engulfed in the river of bubblegum, absorbing every inch of her perfect body.
"i love you." she whispered, caressing the tattered photograph of bubblegum. her eyes filled to the brim with salty tears. where would she be without her? where would she be if they were still together? these questions filled her mind, as she collapsed on her bed in tears...
moonlight shone through bubblegum's curtains. she sat on her bed studying her incorrect formulas and attempting to fix them. the looked outside, the night sky seemed to call to her. she walked outside onto her deck. her hair blew in the wind. the cold air comforted her. she could almost feel marceline's hands on her hips.
"i miss you." she said to the moon with gentle tears slowly streaming down her cheeks. she brushed them aside, but they kept coming back stronger than before. sadness is always the princess did everything in her power to avoid, but at nights like this it was unbearable. she fell to the floor, sobbing. she heard a knock on the door.
"marceline?" she choked out through her tears.
"were you expecting someone?" peppermint butler said as he stepped into her room.
"oh... no." she called from outside, still curled up in a ball. peppermint butler walked towards her and kindly put his hand on her back.
"i know..." he murmured as she began to sob again. "it's okay..." he sadly smiled at the fact they both were broken without one another. "i suppose that everyone just hurts the one they shouldn't hurt at all."