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~ Prologue (Awesome Author’s POV) ~

Not everyone can relate to love, like some certain authors. *hint* *hint* Admit it, as much as you don’t want to believe it, falling in love with fictional characters isn’t true love.

That burns, doesn’t it? Don’t worry. I think I died a little after saying that.

So what can everyone relate to? One word: Fear. Everyone is afraid of something. From the feeblest little baby to the strongest man in the planet, everyone has their own embarrassing fear. I, for example, am afraid of the dark and those creepy crawly things that could be lurking in there. I just shiver at the thought of sleeping without a night light.

But a story without romance is boring, isn’t it? Then let’s join these two ideas and make this a story about… *cue dramatic pause*

the Fear of Love.

I suck, I know.

But love is scary. We have seen so many broken hearts and ruined lives caused by this Great Mistake, whether in media, paper, or even in real life. That’s why we, in a young age, tend to avoid it as much as possible, even though they say there’s nothing wrong with falling in love; it’s the uncertainty of what will happen next is what makes it scary. That goes with all kinds of fears. Whether you’re afraid of bugs, of ghosts, of peer pressure, of loneliness, of teachers, of tests, of etcetera, etcetera, I only have one thing to say to you.

Fear is the most terrible liar that has ever lived.

Fear is like a guard that watches over you when you’re imprisoned. You’re trapped behind the bars and as much as you want to go out, fear always has a reason for you to stay inside like:

What if you get hurt?

What if you fail?

What if others try to manipulate you?

What if you realize that outside this cage, you’re all alone?

Blah, blah, blah and double blah! All Fear is trying to do is distract you. Distract you and only make you see one side of the 4-sided cage that you can’t see that there’s an open door right behind you.

Annoying, isn’t it? And do you know what’s more irritating?

It’s been open for you all this time.

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