Chapter 3: Grand Entrance

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~Chapter 3: Cherry’s POV~

Dear Diary,

Feeling of the day: Miserable

This sure is depressing. Another lonely year is ahead of me. And this is supposed to be Junior year. The best year ever. The sun-rise after the what-seemed-to-be the never ending darkness of Sophomore year. And yet here I am, on my seat with no friends, watching others having fun with theirs.

To think I’ve been here for 3 years already and those who came in the same year as me are already more popular than the students that have been here since grade school.

This is partly my fault though; I shouldn’t have let them label me. But it’s too late for that. For the rest of my school life, I will be always known as the silent crybaby nerd that never talks.

I chewed on my pen; as disgusting as it is, no one will even care to look at me. So, how much do I care? I don’t. Sir Manny, my class adviser, was checking the attendance. Calling us while trying to memorize our first names.

I am and will forever be the last class number. Having a last name starting with the letter “Z”, who can compete? Our seats our by class number too, so I am seated at the very back, alone in the corner. How fitting…

“Bonnevie, Carina Alicia?” Sir Manny called. “Absent.” Everyone’s eye went to her chair in the front. She was the new student right?

“Cruz, Mark Travon?” Class number 4. “Absent too.” He scribbled something on his record and mumbled. “Why would anyone want to be absent on their first day?”

“Because this school is filled with judgmental jerks,” I whispered to myself.

His chair was empty apparently. I’ve never been classmates with him before. In fact, almost 60% of my new classmates are people I have never talked to. Lucky me.

Travon was known as the “bad boy” of the school. Pulling pranks, making noise, breaking school rules, he was a living stereotype. All the girls in my classes for the past two years talk about him every single day. It’s annoying.

I stared at the window I was sitting beside, gazing at the view below. There was some rope ladder hanging in front of me. Was this some sort of fire escape? The rope ladder swayed, which was weird. There wasn’t any wind blowing it.

“Eh?” I moved my chair closer to the window and leaned out. A shoe fell from the sky and on the ground 4 floors below. “EH?!” Out of reflex, I stood up and gripped on the edge of the window, sticking my head out and looking up at the rope.

“What’s wrong, Miss… you there?” Sir Manny hasn’t called me yet, so he doesn’t know my name.

In my small school voice, I answered, “S-Someone’s out there.” I point up. “L—” The class had their eyes at my direction when a foot landed near my face, cutting me off. Ugh, it smelled horrible. A boy in a black hoodie grins at me from above, his hands gripping on the rope ladder. I notice his foot wearing a shoe that matched the one that fell.

“Catch.” He twists and jumps off the ladder and— into my arms?! The freak?! The idiot wraps his arms around my neck like he’s some sort of demented baby and I fall back on my chair. The metal part of the desk hits my side and I bite my lip to keep myself from screaming, so, I’ll do it here instead:


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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