Chapter 2: All-girls Heaven to Co-Ed Hell

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~Chapter 2: Carina's POV~

Weeks later…

First day of school. What do us freshmen students normally do? We wake up. Check. Eat breakfast. Check. Take a bath. Check. Change into our uniform. Check. Get a prep talk from our parents. Check.

“M-Mom! Let go of me!” I cry.

Getting pulled out from under the table. Hmm… was that in the list? Heavens no, of course not. However, my mother forgot the main items of a school preparations list.

I’m gripping on the legs of the wooden table as my mom is pulling mine by the ankles. With my childish attempt to not go to school by hiding under the table and covering myself with the all-too-short table cloth, I am now in the punishment of my mom’s rage.

Don’t get me wrong. I am 110% grateful that I got into a good high school and I have such a hardworking mother who sacrifices so much just so she can pay my tuition fee. Nevertheless, I don’t think sending your Androphobic daughter to a co-ed school is just and fair. I have my rights as a citizen of this society.

“No!” She pulls me harder and my nails are clawing their way on the gaps between the floor tiles. “You have no idea how much effort I put into assigning female chaperones during your entrance tests and making those fake school pamphlets just so you can enroll there! Besides, you’re fully paid already!”

Yes, you heard her right. She made fake pamphlets just so I wouldn’t find out it was a co-ed school. They were so convincing, though. The red sailor uniform with the blue skirt that reached the knee, the white 3/4-sleeved polo with red cuffs and the red neck tie made me love the school more. Red is my favorite color.

The school looked like an all-girl’s heaven when in reality it was co-ed hell.

The front door opens and a girl in short-shorts and a sleeveless blouse texting on her phone appears. “Hey Amia,” my mother’s name, “can I borrow your c—”

Mom calls out to her in desperation. “Angela! Help m—!”

Auntie Angela smiles one of her disgustingly innocent smiles ad waves. “Never mind, bye!” She runs backwards out the door and my mom is more furious than ever.

“Angela you ungrateful little— get back here!!” She grits her teeth and one small part of me is screaming, ‘Yes! You finally understand!’

A spark of energy seemed to have run through her arms when she pulled me out in one move. She, being the strong mom she is and with me being the light and short girl I am, throws me over her shoulder with no effort at all. I kick my legs in the air as forceful as possible. She doesn’t falter.

She takes the car keys from the kitchen table and once we’re in the living room, she leans down the sofa to grab my backpack, file case and lunchbox when I take the chance to jump off her back and run towards the carved wooden door of my bedroom.

My mom pulls her hair and does her well-known “super-scream”. “CARINA BONNEVIE!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!”

The touch of the metal doorknob brings me such happiness I could cry. One turn and I’m fidgeting because of the joy in my heart. Lucky barks from the inside and skips towards me. Being one foot away from me, the door slams closed and a big gulp evolves from my mouth. A slightly worse version of Medusa erupted from behind me, her hair slithering like real snakes.

“Meep…” I stepped back until I was leaning against the door. Mom touched my shoulder and my spine was lined with ice. The hug I receive from her surprises me, calms me. She rubs my back soothingly and she whispers in my ear. “Carina, dear… I just want what’s best for you. You’re a brave girl; I know that you’ll get over your fear someday.” Her motherly voice never fails to make me tear up.

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